Really, What Was So Amazing About How Jesus Spoke?

Really, What Was So Amazing About How Jesus Spoke?

Words are very powerful things. They can quicken a heart with joy or strike like a dagger leaving one to bleed. With our words we can give hope or plunge others deep into an abyss of despair. Sometimes, even when we are wanting to help; our words close the door on conversation by the manner in which we speak. On occasion, someone enters our life that knows just the right words to guide us. They have the unique ability to cause us to look deep within our own hearts and by doing so, they teach us how to find our way out of darkness and back into the light. These are the friends and teachers we hold dear to our hearts and remember always. We never forget those friends or sometimes strangers that God causes to cross our pathway with just the right word at the right time to guide our hearts to hope.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God.3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men… 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth… 16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1). Jesus came to earth to provide the only means to restore our fellowship with God. He was going to give His life that we might have life. Self-centered stony hearts would be transformed into overflowing rivers of life to reach others in need. Throughout His journey here on earth, He taught us how to live in this broken world. He showed us by example the need to constantly be in prayer and to study God’s words. He taught us by example how to accept rejection by others, how to forgive, and how to love those whom the world had cast aside as unlovely. During His ministry on earth, He taught us how to be beacons of light shining into the darkness. He showed us how to speak to those in need.


Jesus humbly walked into the synagogue during the Feast of the Tabernacles. He did not come with the processions at the beginning of the feast. No pomp and circumstance. He began to teach the scripture in the synagogue. The people were divided. His teaching was filled with power and grace. People were talking. Some believed Him to be Christ or a prophet. Others thought He was an imposter; because He brought into question their prejudices and need for self exaltation. The Pharisees (church scholars) wanted rid of Him—after all, they were the “authorities.” How could it be this uneducated carpenter from Galilee knew the scripture better than they? He tore to shreds their ritualistic, legalistic interpretations of the scripture. The chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers (guards) to “take Him” and bring Him before them. The officers returned without Him. “ 45 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him? 46 The officers answered, Never Man Spake Like This Man” (John 7)


Jesus spoke with such eloquence of beauty through the very dichotomy that is Christ. Dichotomy is that unique combination of two thought to be opposites which blend harmoniously into something so beautiful  That the towering strong hero who also displays gentleness, kindness.  That is what I mean by dichotomy.  In Christ, is displayed the perfect harmonious dichotomy of all that is good.  God, the son, who willingly came to walk in humility with man. The Lion of Judah who humbly became the sacrificial lamb that would take away the world. Perfect Justice who hated sin who provided perfect grace to the sinner. These are but a few examples of what I mean by the dichotomy of Christ. In His teaching, the beauty of those dichotomies shows forth. It is like a symphony which perfectly blends all the richness of the chords, rather than the solo “one notes” that we often speak from. Let me point out these six and I am certain as you read the words of Jesus recorded, you will find more.

1. He spoke with humility and with authority. He humbly bowed before His father in total surrender and obedience; yet, had the power to command the wind be still.

2. He spoke of justice and of grace. He hated sin and injustice; yet, loved the sinner enough to die in His place so that Justice and Grace could both be fulfilled.

3. He felt the depths of sorrow within each heart; yet, was joy. A Broken hearted Joy, as we His followers so often come to know as well.

4. He felt the despair within each heart and was hope incarnate.

5. He knew the utter depravity of darkness better than anyone could understand because He was light.


1. We have a friend in Jesus. He is the one who sees our every heartache, each failure, each dark valley and listens to our every plea with a heart full of love for us. He is our teacher, our best friend and the love we so desperately need as we journey here on earth. He is the one to whom we may go when we are so desperate; with no words to speak. We can rest our heads on His chest and listen as He gently calms the storms within.

2. Also, in Christ; we have all that we need. The Holy Spirit within us will guide us to becoming beacons of lights to the world. We can learn how to speak like Jesus spoke as we go about seeking to bring hope and joy to so many hurting souls.

Do you know Christ as your Savior? If not, I urge you to come to know Him. He is the joy, the love and the hope your heart desires. If you do, you know that sometimes you will on this journey feel like an exile. Turn to Him for your comfort—[bctt tweet=”Jesus can calm the storms in your heart and soul while guiding you step by step toward peace in Him”]. [bctt tweet=”He will make your heart overflow with rivers of life & bring life to the deserts that surround you.”]

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.             C.S. Lewis


What do you think made the guards say that “No one Spake like Jesus Spoke”?  You have read my thoughts; but,  I would love to hear your thoughts.  Click here to comment.

The song I chose for you to enjoy today is Everyone Needs Compassion


The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   Feel free to email me at or purchase his art at

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