30 Days That Really Promises Victory, Joy, and Hope

30 Days That Really Promises Victory, Joy, and Hope

There have been so many challenges over the last 30 days. Challenges that pushed and pulled at my heart. There came a moment when all of life seemed to crash in around me. Suddenly overwhelmed with tears, I cried. I cried for struggles my daughter was facing, I cried for the suffering and death of a woman I knew by name only, I cried for the struggles a son was facing, I cried for a husband’s loss of his life partner, I cried for mom, and I cried for all the suffering of the world. So, did all of this matter? Do all of these prayers make a difference? Yes, a resounding yes!! We live in a broken world.  We will face sorrows and trials; but, that is even more why Prayer Matters and must be an important part of our daily lives as sojourners here.  I could never face the chaos of this world were it not for a heavenly Father’s loving arms to run to!!


© Kevin Carden/Licensed from GoodSalt.com

[bctt tweet=”It is those early mornings alone with God that transforms me to know His Love, Joy&His Glory.”]  It is there where He restores me, cleanses me, and renews my hope.  He provides me with His guidance for today and the future before me.

I began this 30 day prayer challenge with you. This was an additional challenge to myself. Before this I believed I prayed a lot; but, I had not set aside a time specific to pray with no interruptions 30 minutes each day. At the same time, I promised you that I would post every day for all thirty days. God is so good and so gracious. Many mornings I awoke with no idea of what to write. By the time the 30 minutes of prayer ended; I had clarity to write for the day.

What are the benefits of such a prayer life?

1. Opens our hearts to realize the wondrous relationship we have with God. His love for us. His delight in our presence. His desire for our genuine Joy in Him. He is overflowing with love, joy and glory.

2. Allows God to reveal to us His plan for our life

3. Spending time alone with God also opens our minds and hearts so that God can reveal our weaknesses. It is there alone with God that I can pour out the sorrows of my own failures, my frailties, and my sins; knowing that God loves me unconditionally. He will renew me, restore me and strengthen me to face another day.

4. Refocuses us on what is important.

5. Comforts our soul

6. Reminds us that in Christ, “I am God’s chosen, beloved, blessed, redeemed child. As such, I have nothing to fear. God is my joy, my hope and my greatest treasure.”

7. Provides clarity for the day.

I sincerely hope that you have found renewed strength, joy, hope and victory from prayer. If you were unable to join us—no problem, today is a good day to start. God has revealed to me so much this past 30 days about myself and about His plans in my life. Most importantly, [bctt tweet=”God has been the source of joy and hope that under-girded me through every trial I have faced.”] I have no fear. He is my guide.

What has changed for you?  Click here to share your hopes, dreams, and prayers.

The song I chose for you is Give Me Jesus

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.    Please go to his website ( http://www.barba-art.com) for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.