How to Overcome Weariness of Heart and Spirit

Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. Psalm 69:1-3


There is a weariness of heart and spirit that we may face at times in our life. That weariness and fatigue can lead toward a paralyzing depression if we cannot discover it’s source and find it’s remedy. So often we try to hide the weariness from the rest of the world, never wanting them to know. We run after entertainment, relationships, alcohol, and drugs to numb the pain. Yet, in the darkness of night, the weariness is still there. Sometimes, our bodies are too fatigued as we battle some chronic illness or we face the agony of losing someone we love. The sorrow digs deep within our soul. We agonize over our own frailty and sin at times. I do not know what sorrow, worry or despair may be rising up to drown your soul. Over a lifetime, I have found myself at times drowning in my own tears. For that reason, I want to reach out a hand of hope to you today as I begin a new series concerning the emotional turmoil we face on this journey called life. Continue reading “How to Overcome Weariness of Heart and Spirit”