Is There Any Hope for Finding True Joy and Love?

Love—that illusive emotion that every heart longs for. We devote our lifetime in search of it; albeit by many means. Some lock themselves into a world of self-love in hopes to avoid the heartbreak. Some devote themselves to giving themselves away in self-sacrificing love. Perhaps they do find a satisfaction in such; yet, sometimes they too are left with a hunger or hollowness within their hearts when their sacrifice goes unnoticed by anyone else. Hand in hand with our desire for love, we desire respect—validation that we have a purpose. That our life matters to someone, somewhere. When we cannot find that, we fall into desperate despair. We search for meaning perhaps in our jobs, our family, or in belonging. Too often, in our desperate desire to become greater we, in fact, move farther away from love and toward hate. Anger, violence, racism, all stem from hearts that desperately need love. These are the ultimate results of broken hearts in utter disarray with no hope within.

love wins

In these final chapters of the gospel of John, we are intimately brought into the presence of Jesus teaching His apostles and all of us who would one day come to know Him as Savior. With such love and compassion, Jesus wants to teach them the truth. He is fully aware of the agonizing road that lies before Him over the next three days; yet, He wants these to be ready. He knows that the only hope for mankind lies in their finding out the truth about love. “God is love” (I John 4:8). He is the perfection of love as demonstrated in His giving His most prized possession-His Son to die for rebellious, undeserving hearts. He did so because His love was so great and His Joy so overflowing that He longed to shower that love and joy upon us. It was the purpose for which He created us. Love is most perfected when showered upon another. God is that perfect love—first and foremost in His perfect love toward His son who is that perfect mirrored perfection of His own Glory. Jesus is that perfect reflection of God’s own love, joy and righteousness made flesh. God’s very words made flesh. That spirit of goodness, righteousness, joy, and love between Heavenly Father and His Son showering forth in the form of the Holy Spirit.

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