In the Midst of the Storm


In this lifetime, we will face storms at times, whether they are storms within our own souls, storms within our emotions, relationship storms, or financial storms. When they come we tremble, we wonder where has God gone; doesn’t He know how desperately we are hurting? Doesn’t He care? Why would He allow such tragedies to occur? Some would even say, “I’ve been trying to follow His will? What now? How do I start again?” I am certain Job very much felt that way as He sat in the ashes scraping his wounds-everything gone. Was this God’s punishment? Was it judgment for Job’s sins? Yet, the scripture tells us that “Job was a righteous man.” Job’s faith had been counted for righteousness, much like ours. So, why the storms?

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In Job 37 we are reminded: “12 The lightning bolts are directed by his hand and do whatever he commands throughout the earth.13 He sends the storms[a](TLB) 13 He causeth it to come, whether for correction, or for his land, or for mercy.14 Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.”(KJV)

We see here that though there may be times when God sends storms for correction; yet, other times it is “for the land” and other times it is “for mercy.” So, let us explore these three reasons for storms just a little deeper.

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