Where In The World Is The Love That Your Heart Needs?

She was the only one going to the well at this time of day. The lonely drudgery of the walk was worsened by her sense of brokenness. One too many times she had hoped to find someone who would truly fill that void; but, her hopes had been dashed with each divorce, each rejection, and each broken heart. She was truly an outcast—a Samaritan woman with an undesirable history. As she carried the heavy buckets, she knew that the water from the well would never quench the thirst deep within her heart. Nothing short of a miracle could satisfy the longings of her heart and soul. All hope had died long ago. As she neared the well she lifted her head and saw a man sitting there at the well. He was a Jew and the Jews didn’t walk through Samaria—it actually was dangerous after all the years of bickering. Besides the Jews thought the Samaritans were “half-breeds”, who had wandered too far from the scriptures and any association could “contaminate” their righteousness. Yet, there he sat and she had come too far and had too much need of water to turn around now.

refreshing spring



Jesus “3 left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. 4 And he must needs go through Samaria”. (John 4). It was the shorter route; but, all Jews knew that there was another route that could be taken to bypass Samaria. So, why did John 4 say that Jesus “must needs go through Samaria?” I dare to say as the chapter unfolds, it was with great purpose and meaning that Christ must go to Samaria to meet a woman of great thirst. He then leads many other Samaritans to believing faith after they saw her new vibrancy and joy. He had to go through Samaria because the Father had sent Him there to save this woman.

[bctt tweet=”Jesus is willing to seek us where ever we are to quench our thirst with living water.”] It is with great purpose that Jesus reaches out to each of us.  He is willing to travel to where we are to extend His invitation to come and drink from His fountains of living water. Having drunk, then we are to go and to tell others to come as well.

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