Poetry Sunday: I’d Traveled Far



My life’s journey has lead me to so many places and so wondrously has allowed me to meet so many amazing people along the way.  Today’s poem, I wrote in October 2013 as I was preparing to leave Orlando and move to Columbia, Missouri.  In 2003, I had left Springfield, Missouri to go to Orlando.  I was uncertain why God had sent me to Orlando; yet, I with some hesitation had gone.  Some many dear friends I met every step of this journey—so many have been beacons of light sent by God to guide me. 

overflowing joy



I’d Traveled Far

By Effie Darlene Barba


I’d traveled far across this land

Unto the eastern shore

Uncertain of what God had planned

Alone, I stood once more

I’d heard Him bid for me to go

Twas all I needed know

And then I saw, as time did pass

His plan begin unfold

I had been placed within His class

To learn His love untold

And as I saw His Glory Shine

His joy, His love now mine

I met dear friends along this way

That helped me as I grew

And others stumbling blocks did lay

God used to guide me too

That I might see His Grace His might

With Christ my guiding light

And Now I know that I must go

To leave these all behind

I wonder if my life did show

A Glimpse of God’s dear mind

And did my life His Glory shine

Within this mirror of mine

Oh, Lord I have this one request

When memories of me rise

That they might see how I was blessed

Your Grace my greatest prize

You took this broken, selfish heart

To fill Your Love Impart

So, can you Lord, use all I’ve done

Though blend of good and bad

To point them Lord to your dear son

His Grace, His Love did clad

A simple person such as I

With righteousness on High

I don’t usually include a song on  Poetry Sunday; but, today I shall.  The song I think so clearly speaks of my life’s journey is Call it Grace.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

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