How to Overcome Weariness of Heart and Spirit

Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. Psalm 69:1-3


There is a weariness of heart and spirit that we may face at times in our life. That weariness and fatigue can lead toward a paralyzing depression if we cannot discover it’s source and find it’s remedy. So often we try to hide the weariness from the rest of the world, never wanting them to know. We run after entertainment, relationships, alcohol, and drugs to numb the pain. Yet, in the darkness of night, the weariness is still there. Sometimes, our bodies are too fatigued as we battle some chronic illness or we face the agony of losing someone we love. The sorrow digs deep within our soul. We agonize over our own frailty and sin at times. I do not know what sorrow, worry or despair may be rising up to drown your soul. Over a lifetime, I have found myself at times drowning in my own tears. For that reason, I want to reach out a hand of hope to you today as I begin a new series concerning the emotional turmoil we face on this journey called life. Continue reading “How to Overcome Weariness of Heart and Spirit”

How to Find the Strength in Love to Battle Cancer

But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy. Psalm 59:16-17

It was late October, 1998 when I first heard that dreaded word. There was a light fall breeze and I had been listening to wonderful Christian music as I nearly skipped to the Doctor’s office. Deep inside I knew all was going to be ok. The needle biopsies had all been negative. The mammograms had all been negative. The Doctor had decided to do the open biopsy only because I insisted and because the ultrasound had looked a little funny. God’s plan for me was good. I was half way through my Master’s Program in Nursing. So whatever had been that lump-it was gone now and I knew the Doctor was going to give me good news. My heart was singing songs of joy and praise, as I entered the office and awaited the doctor.

Love to win

“The cyst was just that a cyst. The lump that we had biopsied, I removed and it was negative—no cancer cells there,” the doctor began. “whew, I was right”, I thought; as suddenly I felt even more overjoyed. Then the doctor continued. “There was a small area near the back of the breast, behind the lump. I took a small piece from there in part to reshape the breast and the tissue looked a little different. The pathology from that piece was positive for a very aggressive form of breast Cancer.” Suddenly my heart sank. My mind began spinning. I could hardly hear the remainder of the words that came. But, I was there alone and had to grasp the words. Decisions had to be made and I was the only one who could make them; so, I must pay attention. “We need to do surgery, you will need a mastectomy”, the Doctor continued. “Then you will need chemotherapy and maybe even radiation. It depends on what we find in surgery and the final staging of the cancer.”

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How does the Holy Spirit Empower the Christian’s Life?

As we continue in our study through the Gospel of John, Jesus appears to the apostles in the evening after having gone to Father. The apostles were afraid and hiding in a room together wondering what to do next. They felt lost and alone without their master. Then suddenly, Jesus stood in the midst of them and said “Peace be unto you” (John 20:19). They were filled with excitement and gladness. They had hoped that He had returned to stay with them and to lead them.  Then once more He said, “Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21).

Holy Spirit in Me

Then He breathed on them and endowed them with the Holy Spirit. Then comes the words, “Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained” (John 20:23). At first, I found this verse very difficult to explain; so perhaps I could just skip it. Yet, that is not my style to skip what is hard. I do believe that within this verse also lies truths that will strengthen and empower our own Christian walk. We do know that the apostles were endowed with “special powers” from the Holy Spirit in that they could heal the sick, raise the dead (Acts 10:39-41), and so, perhaps this too was a power given them to forgive or condemn the sins of those whom they met. But I don’t think that fits with scripture elsewhere in that only God has that power. God the Father is the only one who forgives sin through the redemptive work of His Son and the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. So, I do believe that these words of Jesus were to allow the apostles to understand that the Holy Spirit was in them to give them life and to be the power within them for everything they need.  Only God can forgive sins.  They needed to know and we need to know that the Holy Spirit indwelling us is God in us. He was God’s presence to give them the strength to teach the gospel and

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How to have an Awesome Iron Pumped Prayer Life

How to have an Awesome Iron Pumped Prayer Life

This Christian pilgrimage is laden with many dangers. It is filled with adversities whose battle cry is for the vanquishment of true joy from our hearts. So often we live on an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. Too often, our prayer lives follow that same rollercoaster of disparate cries for help to fleeting waves of “hello” as we skip along the path. We remember to pray most when we have our bucket list of wants to present or when tragedy strikes. Yet, prayer is meant for so much more than that. Look at Ephesians 6, where Paul warns us that we are in the midst of war and must be prepared at all times. Our only weapon is the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit” (Ephesians 6: 17-18). The strength and muscle which wields the sword in battle is prayer. We need our prayer muscles built so that we can wield the Spirit’s sword of the Word with powerful might. A body builder spends hours in the gym to develop strength.

muscle builderPicture used by permission of the artist Ronald Barba who owns the copyright.  For information on go to

[bctt tweet=”To have strength to wield our spiritual sword in battle, we need an awesome iron pumped prayer life”] How do we do that? We begin by daily setting aside time to be with our heavenly Father. We need to realize that prayer is much more than our “to do list for God.” Prayer is the power source for our sustained joy in this Christian life. Prayer is the power source for our victory in the battles of this life. And prayer is the power source for our hope. Prayer is the power lifting exercise that gives us the strength to wield the Spirits Sword of the Word. At the same time, the weights needed to spiritually pump iron are the words of God!



There are 5 ways that the scripture serves to strengthen our prayers.

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How to Actually Conquer Your Fear of Inadequacy

How to Actually Conquer Your Fear of Inadequacy

Sometime in 2005 the desire to be an orator for God began. It was about the same time that I was drawn to writing “A Broken and Contrite Heart.” I began to study, pray, and journal as I prepared to write this book. Occasional words of poetry began to be also in my journal. Still there was another voice inside that paralyzed me from continuing, “Why would God choose me to speak or write? I had speech therapy as a child and I still sometimes stutter when I get nervous. I don’t have any special talent like comedy or singing to draw the people. I am just me. If the people look deep and discover how often I have failed in this Christian walk, the times I have been filled with trembling fear, or lost my way because of jealousy-anger; they might condemn me. Instead of helping God, I might just mess things up. Why would anyone want to hear my story?” Still, deep within me a soft voice pushed me forward.









[bctt tweet=”The next step to your Destiny is Now!!”]


Then, I heard David Ring say, “If you want to make an impact for Christ, just tell your story.” So, I began; but only intermittently until emergency surgery forced me to sit down for two months. I had to smile, as I told God, “I guess I have run out of excuses. I will finish the book now.” I did and I published it later that year. My hesitation had been my own fear of inadequacy. I was so afraid that I might fail God in what I wrote. Or worse, if I let people too close and they see my scars will God be embarrassed of me. Sound familiar? It is the story of almost every one of God’s Biblical Heroes of Faith. God was so kind that in each of their stories, He included all the blemishes and all the failures in the narratives of their stories. Yet, in Hebrews 11; they still were the heroes. That is God’s amazing Grace and love. He chooses ordinary people (like me) to do His extraordinary work.

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