5 Secrets to the Happiest Year of Your Life

5 Secrets to the Happiest Year of Your Life

Today, I want to pause to give you 5 secrets to having the happiest year of your life. Ah, but once you know them; they are no longer secrets and be the steps to your best year ever.

New Beginning

The Five Secrets to Your Happiest Year Ever are:

Secret #1: God’s Mercies are New Every Morning

Secret #2: Forget your past failures

Secret #3: Forgive yourself and others

Secret #4: Trust God’s Hand of Love

Secret #5: Recognize that in every trial God has a wonderful, joyous gift that is being unwrapped

That’s it? Yep!! You might think that unusually brief for me; but, those steps are what keep my heart singing with joy and a smile on my face through every circumstance that life’s journey may have thrown at me. So, simple and to the point; yet, so filled with power and truth. Everything else I write points to these secrets of living the Christian life.  Everything I write is about helping us abide in Christ.  It is about knowing who we are in Christ.  It is about finding and fully living a life that is filled with Joy in Christ, Strength in Christ, Grace in Christ, Love in Christ, and Hope in Christ.  It is the truth of Christ abiding in us, through us and around us. In Christ, we are set free from all the chains that bind us so that we can live a life which shines forth the joy of knowing, embracing and cherishing God as our greatest and highest treasure. No longer must we be chained to our desires for someone to validate us or love us; He loves us with perfect love setting us free to love others. No longer are we chained to our needs for encouragement; because He is our encourager. No longer are we chained to our guilt or despair; because our guilt and shame died on the cross upon His shoulders—never to be resurrected again. We are free, each morning to seek His face- free from fear, guilt or shame. We are free to march up to His throne of Grace every evening to lay our burdens there at His feet of Mercy and leave them there.  We are covered by His Calvary Grace for all of yesterday’s sins.  We are given new Grace for this moment and this second.  And We are promised future Grace for every moment that lies before us. [bctt tweet=” In Christ, we have all we need to live a life fully alive.  “][bctt tweet=”In Christ,  our lives can be ever overflowing  rivers of JOY, HOPE, LOVE and WONDEROUS GLORY.”]

The song I chose for you today is JOY UNSPEAKABLE by Mandisa.  Let this be your song today. 

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

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