Death Cannot Hold My Heart in Pain

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance Ecclesiastes 3:1,4

I cannot tell you how long my heart ached because of Pete’s death.  Perhaps there is  part that still does mourn him, as tears can still fill my eyes when I talk of him.   After all he did teach me everything good and bad about human love; but, mostly God had used Pete to teach me about how to love someone.  I will never try to tell you what day it was one early spring that I felt a breeze across my face and knew that I was going to be ok.  It was as though with that soft breeze I had felt Pete gently kiss me goodbye and I was released from the grip of pain.  Once more I could breathe again.  It was an act of God’s Grace to give me the hope and strength to live in the power of Jesus Christ as my hope, joy, love and treasure.  I had more to learn along this journey toward finding the truth of love; but, that chapter was closed.


kiss of spring


Death Cannot Hold My Heart in Pain

By Effie Darlene Barba


I felt the breeze across my face

Like gentle kiss of grace

I heard the warbling birds that sing

Now calling forth the spring


Winter cut deep into my bone

Screaming you are alone

You left me one mid summer’s day

To ne’er return my way


Oh death, how could you take my love?

To be with God above

While leaving me upon this earth

Amidst it’s wanton dearth


Ah, but now this gentle breeze of spring

A hope on which to cling

It’s was God’s Grace that loved me so

To now bid me to know


That I might laugh and dance once more

As I had done before

To know that love is mine within

Christ did the victory win


Death cannot hold my heart in pain

When God doth joy sustain

This ache, this sorrow will be gone

And bring a brand new dawn


My Love, I must bid thee adieu

Until we meet anew

For now I must live on my dear

A life not built on fear


To find the joy of Christ in me

Abundant life to see

That I am loved beyond measure

For God is my treasure

[bctt tweet=”No matter how cold the winter winds blow God will renew your heart to joy & love one spring day”]

Photo courtesy of: The inscription I added

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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