Do you know the voice of the Good Shepherd?

Do you know the voice of the Good Shepherd?

With all that had happened over the months that had proceeded, I knew it had been the whispering voice of the good shepherd who had lead me to Missouri and to the job at the VA. Yet, in those early months in 2014, the job had remained only part time. Before arriving, I had believed with confidence I would find a second job. After all, God knew my finances and would provide. Month after month passed and no job presented. Indeed I felt the sting of rejection a few times along that road. Could I have heard Him wrong? Was I a fool to believe that I heard His voice prompting me to come to Missouri? Finally, a job offer came; but, I would have to leave the VA to take it. It did offer a lot more money. So I prayed a lot. Then, I knew in the very depth of my heart that I must decline the new offer and stay where I had been sent. No matter what the struggles, this was where God had lead me and this is where I was to stay. Then, a few months later, my job became a full time job. Over the last year and a half, I have seen the unfolding of God’s Grace in every aspect of my job and my life. I have been abundantly blessed in the physicians and supervisors that I now work under.

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Every detail of my life has been orchestrated by a Sovereign God who is my Good shepherd. There are the mysteries of life that God has yet to reveal—the aching heart when I realized that God’s Sovereign Hand halted the moving of my youngest son and family. Perhaps, God knew that if I had known that in the beginning I would have hesitated. He knew I would have questioned the plan. I may not fully understand the plan; but, this I know. I “know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

In John 10, Jesus presents himself as the good shepherd who will lay down His life for the sheep. His sheep will know His voice and will follow where ever the good shepherd leads them. Whenever I stumble along this path or whenever my heart aches because I don’t understand, the good shepherd is there to gather me in His arms and to hold me.

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