How to Overcome the Sabotages to Prayer and Praise

How to Overcome the Sabotages to Prayer and Praise

Monday evening I went to visit Mom at the assisted living. I have been very regular to go two evenings a week and always leave with the laundry list of things she wants me to bring the next time. This time her list was even longer and she had wanted me to go back out to get it right away. Her lists consist of a stockpile of groceries to hide in her room and eat between meals. Her stockpile wasn’t empty; but, she still wanted now. I knew it would take at least an extra hour. I was very tired, so I told her next time. Thinking all is well; I headed home. At 11 pm I got a call from the facility. Your mother insisted that we call the ambulance and send her to the ER because she says she has been coughing and has chest pain. (Mom doesn’t have heart disease and since I had been down this road before when she lived with me—I rolled over and waited for the second call.) Besides as a Nurse Practitioner, I knew the EMTs, nurses and doctors would take care of her. They would call me if needed. The second call came at 2 am. “Your mother is ready to be taken back to the assisted living.” Frustrated, tired and angry with Mom for being so manipulating; off I went to get her and take her to back to the facility. I made it home at 4 and sat down to pray. As I tried to tell God of my frustration with Mom’s selfish behavior, the conviction of my own selfishness hit me. I protested. God sat quietly. I made excuses for myself. God waited and listened. “25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins” (Mark 11 NIV). So, finally prayer came. Then, I wrote yesterday’s post and all was well. So, I thought.

pride blurs

[bctt tweet=”The Greatest Sabotage to our prayer lurks deep within our own heart: Pride, self exaltation…”] We try to deny its presence. We pour over scripture. We pretend it is gone. We “pride ourselves for being merciful and kind.” Still, there it is- pride!

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