5 Essentials to Prayer When Living in a Hostile World

From the midst of a dark, cold jail cell; Paul wrote to the early church. A church that he knew would be persecuted. Even more so, the church which Paul was preaching too were the Gentiles—those who were by the Jewish nation considered the lowest of the low—the heathens. So, while imprisoned for his faith in Christ, beaten and flogged for having preached the gospel; Paul has eloquently been telling early believers to remember who they are in Christ. They are the redeemed, beloved, chosen children of the most high God. He has urged them to remember these truths as they were going to need to cling tight to those facts while they are being rejected and persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. He reminded them that it was God’s plan from before the earth was formed that the body of believers would include them. The new church was to be formed from the gentiles, as well as the Jews.  These former enemies would be joined in the formation of the “church” of believers that would now spread the gospel of Christ.

rooted in love

[bctt tweet=”From a jail cell, Paul prayed for all believers to be rooted & grounded in the Love of Christ”] He knew that they would be facing so much unrest, injustice, and ostracism that they would by nature grow bitter, angry and hostile in their response. Yet, Paul knowing the battle that might occur around them and within their own hearts; prays that they become so rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, that they are strengthened with hope. He prays to the only one who can perform this kind of miracle of love, which is God himself. Look at this prayer.

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