6 Reasons Why Suffering In the Life of Believers

6 Reasons Why Suffering In the Life of Believers

Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries or questions that we as believers face is why is there still so much suffering?  Didn’t Christ say “come unto me and I will give you rest”?  (Matthew 11: 28)  Didn’t God promise that “3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds” Psalm 147?   Yet, Paul wrote concerning the Christian that   “8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4). So, what is Paul talking about? When I am cut do I not bleed?  Troubled on every side, but no distress?  If I am distressed does that mean I have failed in my faith?  Are all these trials a punishment for my sin? Or can there be other reasons?

save meArtwork used by permission of the artist Ronald Barba for information go to http://www.barba-art.com

[bctt tweet=”If anguish forces me to turn & look at the cross Could it be storms in my life are God’s Grace?”]


My life has not been exempt to sorrow.  Indeed, trials have always been present in one sense or another as a part of this my journey, my pilgrimage.  I have not been a stranger to emotional and physical abuse, cancer, chronic illness, financial disaster, multiple surgeries, false accusations, tragedies, death of those I loved most, and periods of desperate loneliness.  Beyond the sufferings from outside, there have been those torments from within. I mean by that the sufferings deep within the heart. Those moments of feeling unworthy, guilt laden and that fear of failing.  I tell you all this very honestly to allow you to know that I have been a student of suffering and as such have learned that there are 6 reasons that God allows suffering in the life of the Believer. All six reasons that God allows suffering in the life of the believer are acts of Grace born out of God’s perfect Love. Through suffering He leads and guides us to a place of Glory, Peace, Hope, and Exceeding Joy.

The six reasons why God allows and even ordains suffering in the life of the Believer are as follows.

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