How to have an Awesome Iron Pumped Prayer Life

How to have an Awesome Iron Pumped Prayer Life

This Christian pilgrimage is laden with many dangers. It is filled with adversities whose battle cry is for the vanquishment of true joy from our hearts. So often we live on an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. Too often, our prayer lives follow that same rollercoaster of disparate cries for help to fleeting waves of “hello” as we skip along the path. We remember to pray most when we have our bucket list of wants to present or when tragedy strikes. Yet, prayer is meant for so much more than that. Look at Ephesians 6, where Paul warns us that we are in the midst of war and must be prepared at all times. Our only weapon is the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit” (Ephesians 6: 17-18). The strength and muscle which wields the sword in battle is prayer. We need our prayer muscles built so that we can wield the Spirit’s sword of the Word with powerful might. A body builder spends hours in the gym to develop strength.

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[bctt tweet=”To have strength to wield our spiritual sword in battle, we need an awesome iron pumped prayer life”] How do we do that? We begin by daily setting aside time to be with our heavenly Father. We need to realize that prayer is much more than our “to do list for God.” Prayer is the power source for our sustained joy in this Christian life. Prayer is the power source for our victory in the battles of this life. And prayer is the power source for our hope. Prayer is the power lifting exercise that gives us the strength to wield the Spirits Sword of the Word. At the same time, the weights needed to spiritually pump iron are the words of God!



There are 5 ways that the scripture serves to strengthen our prayers.

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