One Step at a Time


Where is the power to live a life filled with hope and joy in the midst of so many trials? How do we choose love, when every chose to love leads us to being vulnerable and broken hearted? How do we stand strong and victorious in life’s battles when our scars, each one, reveal how truly fragile we are? Certainly, it is not by my own might or power that I can just proclaim that “I am happy. I am good. I am strong. I am beautiful.” Indeed, when I stand before a mirror and gaze at my own reflection there; I see a body that has been broken down by scars and eyes that have grown tender from having seen so much sorrow in this lifetime. Not the picture of someone who can move mountains.

One Step at a time

Yet, in Christ—because of all that He has done for me and all that He has given me; I can arise each morning filled with Joy, Hope and Love to begin today. The mountains of obstacles may stand before me as insurmountable; but, God only asks I take His Hand and step one step at a time.

Like David wrote,

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