Can One Kind Word Bring Hope To The World?


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” Proverbs 18:21…An unbridled tongue “is full of deadly poison” (James 3:8)

What incredible grace it was that God reached down and touched the heart of a 5 year old. He knew what trials lay before this child. He knew what sorrows would befall her. He even knew every time she would fail. Yet, He reached down and touched her heart; revealing the truth of salvation. My clearest memory of age 5 was accepting Christ as my Savior while Dr. M. R. Dehaan’s voice boomed from the kitchen radio. What Grace that God looked down the corridors of my life and chose to reveal Himself clearly to this little 5 year old at the start of her journey. He knew the perils that lay before me. He took my hand that day to never let go!!


When Charlie left for grade school, I was left behind on the farm. Though he really did not want to go, I longed to go to school. I sat every evening as mom tutored Charlie like a little sponge taking in every bit of knowledge I could. It was with great excitement and joy that finally a year later I was also going to school. I knew little about the perils that lay ahead for a child who had such a tender heart. I had gained a lot of weight that year. I entered school overweight and with a speech impediment. Quickly, I became the one that others teased and made fun of every day. I managed every day to spill my lunch onto my dress to make matters even worse. Top student in my class, I could answer all the questions, was in advanced reading and math; yet, no one liked me.  To add to my despair, I was very sensitive to the pain of others. There was another little boy who was also overweight but did not seem to understand the teacher’s instructions. Every day he got spanked for something. Everyday my heart broke. It broke from watching what I felt was injustice. I wanted to scream, “He doesn’t understand, please don’t hit him.” Still, my voice was silent.

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