3 Reflections as We Remember The Fallen Officers

President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation to designate May 15 to “To pay tribute to the law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and to voice our appreciation for all those who currently serve on the front lines of the battle against crime”. So, I wish to take a moment and to honor those men and women who have taken an oath to protect and to serve. They are forced to make a split second judgement which may cost them their life, destroy their own life, or be called a hero for the lives they have saved. They are seriously underpaid, underappreciated, and overly criticized. They are laughed at, spit upon, and too often treated with disdain. They are human and they do make mistakes. Still within their own ranks, they are held to higher standards than you or I and justice does get carried out. Yet, sensationalism drives the popularity rankings of the news media and stirs hearts toward believing lies as truth.

fallen officer

So, what does the Bible say as to how we are to respond toward law enforcement? Look at the word of God written

in Titus 2 and 3 ,(TLB)

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