What Do You Do When You Get It All Wrong?

I awoke this morning with these ideas circling in my head.  As I began to write down some of the thoughts; I realized that I needed to share these with you today.  So, I filmed this video for you.


4 points to remember when you get it all wrong

1.  It is not about how many times I have failed God.  It is about how many times that God’s loving Grace has searched for me, found me buried in despair, and asked “Child, do you love me?”  “Yes, my Lord, with all my heart!!”, I reply.  “Then my Child, come take my hand.  We have work to do.  The fields are white with harvest.  Feed my sheep.”

2.  It is not about how many times Satan has sifted me and left me like dust on the board of life.  It is about how many times God takes that pulverized flour and makes bread to feed those who are hungry.

3.  It is not about how many dreams I have toward doing things for God—no matter how lofty they might be.  It is about how many times God picks up the shattered pieces of those dreams, then reflects His Glory through them to shine His light upon another soul.  Changing the eternity of another through the shatter pieces of what once was my dreams.

4.  It is not about what I can do for God.  It is about what He can do with a broken heart, and feeble weary hands when that heart has come to realize that He is my greatest treasure.  He is my Joy, my hope, and the love I have so longed for.

So, dear friend; if you think that God can not use you to shine forth His Glory.  Think again.  He loves you and His mercy is new every morning.  I needed to tell you that today.

I wrote and published my book A Broken and Contrite Heart in 2011 which was an in depth look at what do you do when you get it wrong.  Although, I have grown spiritually since it’s publication; it remains a good place to begin or continue your journey of Grace.  Whenever, I forget (as sometimes we humans do); I have to return to that place in which I realized that it has always been all about Grace and Grace Alone.

If you wish to purchase a copy, you may click the link or go to Amazon.com or BarnesandNobles.com to order one.

If indeed, you wish a copy and cannot afford it; please email me.  Depending upon the response, I will try to honor you with a copy.  Understanding that in the modern book market; I, the author,  must purchase my own books from the publisher. So, as I am able and God permits, I will try to fulfill those requests.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned with of course the exception of my own book for which I receive a small commission from Authorhouse, the publisher.   I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

What to Do When I Fail With All My Heart?

What to Do When I Fail With All My Heart?

Often I have heard sermons on Peter’s denial.  I have listened intently as pastors explained the different analogies concerning why Peter failed this test. I have heard it explained that Peter failed because  he followed Jesus at a distance or that he became too concerned for his own life. Others commentaries say that he stood with the wrong crowd as he warmed himself by the fire. We wish we could find a reason for his failure. Then we would find the formula that prevents us from stumbling as well. My heart so longs to love God better!! I want to be a testimony for Him. I want to always present Him well.  I wish I could find the truth as to why despite my desire to please Him, to love Him and to follow Him; sometimes, I make a mess of it all. When that happens, then, like Peter—all I can do is to fall before God’s throne of Grace to weep a little while.

broken/contrite heart by Ronald Barba


Peter truly loved the Master. He had left everything to follow Him. At times, Peter was a bit tempestuous like the sea he had fished in. Yet, his heart longed to please the Master. This had been a long night as Jesus told them that He must go away so that the Comforter would come. Jesus tried to prepare them; but, Peter didn’t really want to hear this. He didn’t know how He would survive without Jesus being present to guide Him. Was it fear that caused Peter to deny Jesus? I don’t think so. Peter had pulled out his sword in front of a cohort of soldiers; but, Jesus told him to put it away. Peter had followed while others had scattered. He didn’t know what the plan was next. He needed Jesus to tell him the plan. “Where do I go now? What do I do now? If I am not to fight for you, then what?” Haven’t you been there? I have. In those moments of waiting when you feel so lost and alone, uncertain as to what the next step is. Those moments when you are praying with all your heart and soul not to fail God; then, you find yourself flat on your face in the mud anyway.

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