Can My Heart Ever Really See God’s Wondrous Glory?

Can My Heart Ever Really See God’s Wondrous Glory?

This journey of life has taken me through dark and treacherous valleys at times. So, often I have searched to find the heart of God; desiring to know and understand His will. Sorrows, pains, trials come and toss me about on this sea of life. Each time I am tossed by the storms,  I find myself trusting more firmly in the only anchor that can hold me fast in the midst of the storms. I find myself searching and seeking to know God more. I search to see His Glory, His Love, and His Joy. I find that out of the darkness: I become filled with Joy in the midst of sorrow, love in the midst of broken heartedness, and that hope arises out of despair. It is in those dark valleys that God’s Glory shines brightest. Quite the opposite of what my heart would have thought it desired. I really would prefer that His Glory present itself toward me in prosperity. Yet, in my own humanity; my thoughts turn away from God and toward me when all is going well. As though an all righteous, just God would be so pleased with my own accomplishments of righteousness. Yet, God’s Glorious attributes include His perfect Love as well as His perfect Justice.  Both are blended into His Splendor.  He knows what is best for me.  He knows all that is needed in my heart to prepare me for the greatest pleasure in Him and in His Glory.



[bctt tweet=”God knows the only hope for my heart to see glimpses His Glory in a broken world is to allow storms”] Could I understand His power and might were it not for the storms in my life?  Would I even search for God, were there no storms?  God’s heart breaks with mine every time mine is broken. Yet, He knows that unless mine is broken; I can never feel the depth of His love. I would never be able to truly love anything or anyone; had my heart never been broken.  In that broken state, I found God’s love which filled me to overflowing.  Only then could I learn the truth of love.  If I had never known sorrow; could I really know the depth of Joy I have found in God?

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Poetry Sunday-I Was There By God’s Grace


I Was There by God’s Grace

By Effie Darlene Barba


Across the room I saw her there

Seated in that chemo chair

I knew too well that empty stare

For I was there, yes, I was there



portrait used with permission

I crossed the room with gentle smile

To hold her hand, a little while

God’s love was all I had to share

For I was there, yes, I was there


She found Christ that day through me

While angels sung in Jubilee

And then I sat my chemo chair

As I was there, yes, I was there



Would I lift up this cross?

And face all this loss

Would I willingly face all this pain?

Would I love you the same?

Though I don’t know your name

If I knew that my loss was your gain


Let God’s joy fill my heart

While His love I impart

Til I see your salvation is won

Let me show you His face

His love and His Grace

Let me point you to Christ, God’s dear son

The last two days we have been looking at grief, pain, and sorrow through a bigger lens.  My question has been, “is there any sorrow to great to bear for the salvation of one soul?”  If my trials, tribulations and sorrows are used by God to bring even one person to Christ; wouldn’t it be worth every tear I have shed?  If my entire lifetime is but a split second in time compared to eternity; why wouldn’t I be willing to suffer a lifetime, if need be, so that one person might spend an eternity in the presence of God being showered with love, joy and glory?   If I see my trials as God’s means to spread Grace to a world in need; wouldn’t I face trials differently?  Are my trials an act of God’s Grace and Love to me and to the world?  If I know that; then, why a gloomy face?  Shouldn’t that knowledge fill my heart with joy, hope, compassion, and love? Yes, indeed; and that I learned through many tears and sorrows.  God is my greatest treasure and my joy!!  We are at day 28 of this 30 day prayer challenge.  How have you been doing?  I will return to my 3 day a week posting this week; but, I do encourage you to spend time alone with God every day.

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header    Please go to his website ( for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

How to Actually Overcome with Joy when Satan Roars

I Peter 5: 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Roaring Lion? Do we know Satan as such? After all, were he to come at me roaring; I would see the danger, right? I am so aware of Satan’s hissing, whispering sounds of a lying snake. How often have I heard His hissing questions? “What makes you think God could love you, look at you?” or “Surely God could never use someone like you.” Or “Do you really believe that is what God has said?” Or “If God really loved you, He would never have allowed the suffering in your life?” And so the whisperings of Satan go, planting seeds of doubt and feelings of despair; promising that we might have greater joy if we would just………. But roaring?

when satan roars

How does Satan roar? He encircles us with pain. Pacing around us with evil, tragedies, destruction, illness, rejection, and despair. Roaring as he circles—pacing, roaring while inciting fear and doubt. As, he roars “Where is your God, now?  God love you, really?  Look what He did.”  Satan knows that we are looking to Christ, the Lion of Judah, to protect and guide us.  So he cloaks himself with the image of a lion; yet, instead of being the protector, he roars forth with anger and suffering until our hearts would faint and our faith would vanish. [bctt tweet=”Satan roars in our pain & suffering Where do I turn when Satan roars?The God of Grace is my Joy”]

How can I shut the mouth of this roaring Lion?  I found there are 3 keys to shut Satan’s roars.

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When is Devastating Pain Actually God’s Wondrous Grace?

When is Devastating Pain Actually God’s Wondrous Grace?

When I look back over all the years of my life; I am amazed by God’s Grace. How many times have I run ahead of God? How many times have I tried to help him accomplish his plans in my life, my way-not His? How often have I been impatient or pouted even because I couldn’t see His blessings? How often have I said, “If you would only…., then I could serve you better.” It has been God’s gracious hand that has lead me each step of the way. There have been moments of devastating pain along this journey. Yet, I have found those moments of devastating pain-both physical and emotional; were actually God’s Wondrous Grace working out His plan for my life in spite of me. Much like the life of Jacob, recorded in Genesis. Still Jacob made God’s “faith hall of fame” Hebrews 11, “21By faith, Jacob … worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.”

prcas0633 (1)© Providence Collection/Licensed from



Jacob had wrestled with God throughout the beginning of his walk with God. He wanted to do things his own way.  Pride, arrogance, and fear all were part of his life. There came a moment in his walk with God, that he came face to face with the truth of his utter unworthiness. It was a moment of devastating pain that allowed Jacob to actually see God’s Wondrous Grace. God touched his hip and he fell to the ground. He would from that day forward walk with a limp and require a staff to lean on; but, it was there that he realized God’s Grace gave him life. None of his own works could make him worthy. All that God bestowed upon him was a gift of a Sovereign God who would accomplish His plan for Jacob’s life because God chose to and not because Jacob deserved anything. That is Amazing, Wondrous Grace!! Join me as I tell you Jacob’s story.

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5 Truths to Audacious Faith in a Parched Life

5 Truths to Audacious Faith in a Parched Life

All alone, I once more was packing up a house to load a truck and cross the country to go where I was certain that God had commanded I go. Going through all the “stuff” and downsizing. How do we accumulate so much stuff over time? Stuff that seemed so trivial and unnecessary. Trinkets and objects that perhaps once seemed important were now what I was discarding. I sighed with the thought, “How much money wasted that could have been used for something more important?” I was tired of moving while at the same time filled with the anticipation of what God had planned. Though I was wearied by my life’s journey, I had over the years learned that God loved me with an everlasting love, God had a perfect plan for my life, and He was the treasure I sought in what was often a dry and thirsty land. Through all the pains, sorrows, surgeries, and losses of this life; God had been there to guide me. I had loaded the final box. Then the trailer hauling my car was attached behind. Tired and exhausted I went to the empty house to sleep on the floor before leaving the next day. I wasn’t certain what awaited me in Missouri; but, this I knew. God was with me and before me. He had a plan and that was for my good.


In the deserts of lifeoriginal photography courtesy of Jim Peregoy


Abraham had headed out into a land unknown because God said go. There were times when Abraham got lost along the way. There were times when Abraham’s faith waivered; but, in his heart—he loved God. He believed God. He always returned to the altar where he was willing to place his greatest earthly treasure because he trusted God. His faith had grown wandering in that desert. He had come to learn of God’s faithfulness. More importantly, he had come to realize that the promises of God were still yet to come. God would one day, through the seed of Abraham send down His own greatest treasure to be poured out as a sacrifice that all nations might be blessed. Christ would come; just not in Abraham’s earthly lifetime.

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