Where is Truth and Hope Found in this World?

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down. Daniel 4:37 (NKJV)

Watching the news, flipping from channel to channel; I find myself wishing to know truth. The truth hidden behind all the rhetoric, the bias, and the bend for sensationalism. With a heavy heart, praying that God would guide my thoughts and that God would heal the divide within the nation. How can I help? What can I do to spread the gospel? How can I shine light into the darkness? Yet, it begins with holding fast to the truth that God IS. Faith begins there. God is truth! God is justice! God is in Control! God is the Great I AM!

When the nation of Judah was taken captive into Babylon, it was exactly what God had warned them would happen. They failed to listen or heed warning. They failed to seek God or honor Him. They had continued on in their rebellion against God and worshipping other gods of their own making. Yet, look what God did as a result of that captivity!! What an amazing God of Grace, Love, and Hope He is! Out of those captives, through the fervent prayer and faithfulness of 4 men; God lead King Nebuchadnezzar (King of the Babylonian Empire) to a saving knowledge of God. What an amazing and wondrous thing that was! Continue reading “Where is Truth and Hope Found in this World?”