Mountain Moving Faith, Hope and Joy

Power Filled Positive Living-Chapter 19A—Mountain Moving Faith, Hope, and Joy

The wedding was over with all the excitement, beauty and wonder that weddings bring. For me there had been that special awe of realizing just how marvelously God had answered the prayers of this mother’s heart. Alberto and Lindsey were off to their honeymoon. Ron with his beautiful wife and two babies were on the plane to Florida. Melissa with her wonderful husband and daughter was on her plane back to California. I was on the drive back to Florida from Missouri with praise songs blaring from the speakers in my car. All the way to Missouri, God and I had talked. My finances were shaky as usual; after all the health struggles, all the surgeries, and my tendency to give away the rest to anyone in need of help. All the way to Missouri, there had been this sense of knowing that God was about to do something amazing and He was going to ask me to take a leap of faith. Now on the trip back to Florida, I knew that I at the age of 59 was about to make a major move to Missouri. I reminded God that there were gigantic mountains in my way. Mountains that I could never move. After all, who starts a career move at age 59? What about the upside down mortgage on my house? What about the cost? How was I going to manage moving mom to Missouri? Working 60 to 70 hours per week, how was I going to even add on the tasks of searching for a job, much less, packing and moving? Then, there was the task of finding homes for the 6 stray cats I had somehow inherited—one of which was feral.

When Mountains Loom

As my car steered through the mountains in Chattanooga, I really saw the mountains looming before my life as insurmountable; especially if I was to make such a move. Then, suddenly from the recesses of my mind; I heard the whispering voice of God, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). Then, I knew!!

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