What Is Your Greatest Treasure, Really?

It was late November 2006 when I had this nagging voice inside that urged me to send $500 to Truth for Life as a onetime gift. I had learned through the worst financial times to always trust God and that began with tithing (even when the money was tight). For me it was not a ritual, it was the least I could do and it was a prayerful act of faith and love. Beyond that I was generous to give whenever I felt God’s beckoning voice to give to others.   I had just bought the house in 2005 and my escrow had not been in the monthly payments. Unfortunately, I had not done well at saving the taxes for that year and would need to pay nearly 2700.00 in December for taxes.  I did not have the $2700.

my greatest treasure

I spent several days in prayer reminding God that I needed that 500 plus even more. Still, that voice inside could not be quieted. So, I wrote the check and mailed it to Alistair Begg’s ministry. Two weeks later, I received a $2500.00 bonus from my job. Every other year, before and after my bonus had been either $100 to $200. That year was different.  When I rushed to tell my boss thank you, I was nearly in tears.  Then, I told him how I knew it was God who moved his heart to give me exactly what I needed that year.  He had been God’s instrument whether he believed or not.  This is not the prosperity gospel. This is the story of obedient, sacrificial love and trust in a God who will supply my needs. God’s promises are not for expensive cars, fancy houses, or everything my heart desires; but, His promises are to provide what I need as I trust Him. That was a lesson He has shown me all along the way. If I see Him as my greatest treasure, I will always keep a wholesome perspective of money and possessions as well. Which brings us to the contrasting views concerning money of Mary and Judas as we see them in John 12.



On His journey back to Jerusalem, Jesus stopped in Bethany. He knew that the coming events would be those that lead Him to the cross. It was for this that He had come to the world to be the sacrificial lamb. It was nearing the time of the Passover and He would be the ultimate sacrifice His Father demanded for the price of mankind’s sin. In Bethany, He had stopped to see His friends once more and there was a large feast prepared in His honor. Martha was scurrying about as always serving the guests. This was her way of showing her love. Lazarus was leaned back, seated at the table with Jesus. He must have been clinging to His every word. After all, Jesus had raised him from the dead earlier that same year. Then Mary took a pound of spikenard worth a year’s wages (about $25,000 at that time) and poured it upon the head of Jesus and then His feet where she then dried His feet with her hair. She did not care about the cost. She wanted to shower upon Jesus her most prized possession as a display of her love, devotion, and total commitment to Him. This may have been all she had for her future, perhaps it was a part of her dowry, or some precious heirloom. We are not told of what greater significance the ointment may have held for Mary. We are only given a glimpse into her humbled heart filled with love for her Master and Savior. She was willing to give Him all that she had freely with all of her heart.


Ah, but Judas became outraged. He was the money man. He carried the purse and quickly condemned her because this money could have been used “to feed the poor.” Sounded like an honorable thing to do. Why should this money be wasted this way? The truth being, Judas had joined in the following of Jesus so that he could be a part of the rich and the famous. He believed that Jesus would rise as the Messiah, become King, and as His purse bearer; Judas would be rich. So, Judas did believe in Jesus. Judas desired wealth and fame alongside Jesus. There are some amongst the religious who are very much like Judas. We see that among the large numbers who follow after the “prosperity gospel” of name it/claim it. They too, like Judas are filled with greed, selfish desire, and pride. Perhaps, Judas was the first prosperity gospel believer.


“Let her alone, against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always” (John 12 7-8). Jesus has been preparing his disciples for the coming events. They did not want to know the truth; but, Jesus knew that they would remember His words after His resurrection. He needed to prepare them for the years of service and sacrifice that would be theirs as they began to spread the gospel. He needed them to see that He is their greatest treasure. Judas began to realize that there would be no worldly prosperity gained by following Jesus. That was when he chose to betray Jesus for $1000.00.


Do you love and seek after God as your greatest treasure or do you seek Him that you might gain earthly treasure? Remember Jesus reminded us in Matthew 6 that earthly treasure is but fleeting. We cannot serve two masters. Either we choose to serve God or our fleshly desires. What is it that you most desire today? Do you desire God above all other earthly pleasures? Would you be willing to give Him your greatest earthly treasure because you love Him above all else? He has promised that when it comes to our needs, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). He will richly bless you with His Joy, His Hope, His Love, His Glory, and eternal life with Him. What amazing love and Grace toward us who deserve none of this.

He gives me everything I need and with holds those things which I might think I want so I can always keep my eyes focused on Him. I trust Him to always know what is best. It is my prayer that He always keeps my eyes focused on Him. I pray the same for you today.

Listen to Cece Winans sing “Mary’s Alabaster Box”  I do not know the cost of the oil in Your Alabaster Box; but, my question is this.  [bctt tweet=”Whatever the cost of the oil in your “Alabaster Box”-are you willing to pour it out for Jesus?”]

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.