How to Avoid a Weary Heart When Serving Others

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Life at times can cause us to feel a weariness of heart and spirit, a sadness that runs deep within our heart and soul. Our body aches with a fatigue that is much deeper than we could imagine. We press forward, striving to be noticed, to be loved and to be appreciated by those around us. It is for that reason, I wanted to delve into the emotional stumbling blocks that we may face in our life. During the last post, I began to explore some of the root causes of weariness of heart and spirit by pointing out that often this emotional fatigue comes as a result of our expectations. In the last post I began with our own expectations of ourselves. Today, I want to explore our expectations from others whom we serve and then Friday I want to discuss our expectations of God. Often, we falter or feel utterly dismayed because our expectations are not met; yet, it is our expectations that are faulty and need to be realigned. Continue reading “How to Avoid a Weary Heart When Serving Others”