Poetry Sunday—A Broken Vessel’s Vow

When two people take their marriage vows they enter a union which they hope, believe with last.  As each begins to unpack the fears, traditions, pains, frailties and realities of who they are and what baggage they bring; there is the risk that all the brokenness can split the marriage.  For within each of us is brokenness which we bring to the union.  Too often we enter with expectations.  Expectations that the other person will fill the empty recesses of our own hearts.   As you know from the series I have been writing that was the case.  Pete and I both had arrived with a lot of baggage.  Then, a miracle happened.  God reached down to touch my heart and fill me with a deeper love than I had known.  For me to lay aside my brokenness to vow to stay and love no matter what because I saw the beauty of who Pete could be in Christ.  Well that was God’s miracle of Grace!!  God, alone could give me the strength and the love to do that.  In the process, God alone was healing my brokenness as well.  What a mighty and wondrous God He is!!!

 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit (Psalm 34).

couple walking

A Broken Vessel’s Vow

By Effie Darlene Barba

Two hearts had joined as one that day

And never saw the dark pathway

That lay ahead and lay behind

Two hearts that joined in hope to find

A strength in love to shine a light

Upon their lonely darkest night

Each had brought with them their fears

Their brokenness and all their tears

And as their story did unfold

Two broken hearts their sorrow told

It wasn’t what they’d hoped that day

Can broken hearts still find a way

A miracle is what they’d need

If ever they were to succeed

God’s gracious love must touch a heart

To help them stay, to not depart

Two broken hearts can beat as one

Because of Grace from God’s own son

The broken hearts are me and you

I ran to hide, to bid adieu

And then I saw your tear stained face

My heart was filled with love and grace

I saw the beauty of your heart

The tenderness you could impart

A brilliant mind so trapped within

I saw the man you could have been

If only you had known God’s love

His strength could help you rise above

And so I vow to love you dear

Today and through each passing year

My strength must come from God alone

As now I bow before His throne

I’ll lay aside all my desire

That God might flame my passion fire

To rise within to find the strength

That I might go the final length

To love you better stronger still

For this I know has been God’s will

I cannot pretend to know what obstacles you may be facing today; but, what I do know is God understands.  I ask that you seek Him and His guidance.  If He then leads your heart to love no matter what, then He will show you the way.  His love filling the heart of one can transform both hearts—that is His miraculous Grace at work.  I would love to hear from you or if you have a poem you would like to share, please use the comments below or email me. 

Photo courtesy of https://unsplash.com/pichler_sebastian

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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