What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

Nicodemus had believed that Jesus was a teacher come from God; yet, did not understand when Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus was a religious scholar; yet, his eyes were veiled to the truth that salvation was grace and act of faith. He believed in Jesus because of the miracles—a belief of the mind. Still, the eyes of his heart were veiled to the glorious truth that Jesus was God and the messiah had come. Nicodemus did not understand that the messiah would die to pay the penalty for man’s sin, even though Jesus had pointed out that Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Nicodemus had studied the book of Isaiah. He should have known and seen the truth. Nicodemus and the Jewish nation were looking for the Messiah to come as a King and they would have possessions, power, and luxury in the Kingdom of God—here on earth.

Lost sheep

[bctt tweet=”Did Nicodemus recognize his own need for a shepherd?”] He saw Jesus as a teacher; but, did not see Him as the Messiah who came to be the Savior of all who would come unto Him.

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