Does God Really Answer The Prayers Of The Broken And Lost?

Does God Really Answer The Prayers Of The Broken And Lost?

What a wondrous and beautiful morning it is—a moment in which we can reflect on the magnificent truth that is ours because Jesus Christ chose to be born in a lowly manger. He came to bring life abundantly full of joy, hope, peace and love. He promised, “Ask whatever you will in my name and it will be accomplished.”

God answers prayerChristmas 2015 with one of my Granddaughters, Annabella Grace

Yet, as we approach this season; I know of many who only long for peace. For some, there are conflicts within their family or their community. There are those who are afraid to name the name of Jesus because it will cost them their lives. There are those whose minds are filled with anxiety over their finances. Others are facing trials or burdens brought on by their own failures and they wonder if there could ever be forgiveness and love. While others face financial ruin and poverty despite giving their all to a job that was unappreciated. For some, they feel the ache of loneliness; having lost a loved one or having had their heart broken-with the pieces like shattered glass crushed upon the floor. Those may ask, “where is the hope, the joy, the love and the peace of this season or my life?” In the midst of all the broken dreams, how can I pray or believe that God hears my prayer and much less answers them? You see, my dear readers and friends; I too have been there all too often in my life.  For that reason, please read on–let me tell you a bit of my journey so that you might realize the wondrous joy that can be yours.

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