Can Praying the Lord’s Prayer be actually powerful?

Can Praying the Lord’s Prayer be actually powerful?

We find in the Bible two recordings of Jesus instructing his disciples to pray. Once in Matthew 6 and the second time in Luke 11. These do appear to be at different times because the one in Matthew is while Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount. The prayer in Luke is amongst a much smaller crowd and occurred when one of His disciples had seen Jesus praying and then asked if Jesus would teach them how to pray. The differences between the two prayers are minor.

Of note, in Matthew; a few verses before Christ had warned against repetitious prayers. “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (Matthew 6:7). Then Jesus proceeds and says, “After this manner therefore pray ye” (Matthew 6:9). The Lord’s Prayer that follows was to be a template, a guide. Still, can we use it as our prayer? There are those times when it can be actually very powerful, when we pray it from our heart.   Let’s exam it- section by section.

Our Father Which Art In Heaven (Matthew 6:9)






What an amazing truth those words.  God is my Heavenly Father The fact that we can call God Father reflects that this is a relationship.  I have the wondrous gracious privilege to talk to my Heavenly Father; because of the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.



© Liz Lemon Swindle/Licensed from

[bctt tweet=”I can sit beside God, My Father with childlike wonder and tell Him all about my day.”] No pretenses. No need to hide my flaws. I can sit beside Him, babbling on in my child like speech; knowing that He listens. I also know that He will guide and teach as a loving Father who desires my best. And, note;the word “our”. In this relationship with God, I have many brothers and sisters, including Christ Jesus. I am not alone; rather,

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