My Little Girl—Poetry Sunday

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them Psalm 127:3-5

As I hurried to try to complete everything at work last Friday, I was filled with the anticipation of my week ahead.  This week I lay aside all the stresses of a busy job to enjoy the wondrous benefits of vacation.  I am heading out later today to California to celebrate with my daughter her 42nd birthday which is tomorrow.  This weekend I have had my youngest grandchild, Annabella Grace.  Seeing the world through the eyes of a young child filled with such wonder and joy, always reminds me of how truly blessed I am.  So my dear readers, forgive me if this week my postings are not exactly on schedule.  I will try to get them out on time; but, California time is different than Missouri so I may be off by a few hours if not days.  Oh, well; I hope to be off that much—but we will see.  This poem I wrote 7 years ago in tribute to my daughter.  Those who have read the story of my life; may know that I did make the hard choice of leaving my little girl to be raised by her Father.  Truly, I believed at the time it was the sacrifice that love demanded given the circumstances.  Right or wrong, I cannot say now.  What I can say it has been God’s wondrous grace that gives me such a beautiful daughter so filled with love, grace and mercy herself.  I love you, Happy Birthday Melissa.  I am on my way so we can celebrate on a weekend of adventure and fun.



My Little Girl


My little girl I see you now

Your baby in your arms

It takes me back to years ago

To you with all your charms


I loved you so my precious sweet

I’d give the world for you

Yet life it turned and choices made

I thought were best for you


I thought I didn’t have enough

To give my little girl

To keep you safe, to give you more

I sacrificed my world


I prayed each day God keep you safe

Beneath His wings of love

That all life’s pain and grief

He’d help you soar above


And yet, my love, I see you now

This mother you’ve become

I know that God answered my prayer

With joy, I’m overcome


I love you so, my precious one

Though womanhood you’ve found

You’ll always be my little girl

Though years keep turning round


The greatest gift I give to you

Is Jesus Christ, God’s son

Who paid the price, that hand in hand

Equipping you this race to run


So rest within this perfect truth

He has the perfect plan

For you and now your little girl

He cradles in His hand

[tweetthis]God’s Grace is big enough to change even my failures into blessings for me[/tweetthis]

My prayer for each of you is that God’s Grace shower down upon you today.  If you have made tough choices in your life, some you have come to regret.  Remember this God’s Grace is bigger than all your failures, regrets and sins.  Turn it all over to Him and watch what He can do with it.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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