A Prayer for Our Nation- Poetry Sunday

1For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

If we listen to the news today; we would believe that our nation is broken beyond repair-split between so many ideas that could never be united.  We watch violent protests, politicians with no respect for truth nor the laws of our land.  We see heated arguments played out on our news broadcasts.  We see anger, terror,  lies and the portrayal that our liberties are squelched by what might be called political correctness.  It seems all that the news medias want is to further divide and sensationalize our differences for their own financial gain.  Yet, if you walk outside for a moment; I think you would see the true greatness of this land.  You would see someone stopping to give a helping hand to a stranger.  You would see the hearts of the police who sacrificially serve their communities while facing evils that we dare not even think about.  Our greatness as a nation is our ability to unite and stand strong with one true battle cry, ““I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”    I am proud to be a Christian and I am also proud to be an American where I defend liberty and justice to all regardless of their faith, race or gender.  I do ask that I, as a Christian; be afforded those same liberties as well without fear.


To all my Christian brothers and sisters, let me remind you that we must unite in prayer for our nation.  We must then go forth and proclaim the name of Jesus unashamedly; while at  the same time displaying the truth of His gospel through love, grace, humility and kindness.  We must stand firm for what we believe; yet, we must do so with dignity, grace and love.


A Prayer for Our Nation

by Effie Darlene Barba


I listened to the news today

Their crafted words were meant to sway

My mind to turn and think their way

The truth I dare not really say


Their words portrayed a great divide

And bid me then to take a side

A battle built of human pride

While truth and justice set aside


Our Country torn and broke apart

No hope to find a brand new start

And then I looked within my heart

I must not delay to do my part


And so, I bowed my head today

While for my country I will pray

For truth, for love, for grace to sway

To shine a light by words I say


“Give me the strength, dear Lord to stand

With humble love to heal this land

Not water down the truth I know

Through kindness then your love to show


Give me words to speak, make me wise

Yet, never, never compromise

I cannot deny the Only One

Who loved us so You sent Your son


To bleed and die upon that cross

I’d rather die or suffer loss

Than e’er deny my God, my King

Let bells once more of freedom ring


And never deny my right to say

To God, I bow my head to pray

Teach me Oh Lord to stand for you

With gentle grace and honor true


As I look upon Christ’s gentle face

To understand your love and grace

I must not compromise my stance

Yet do so with a love filled glance


And so, dear Lord I bow my head

Teach me to walk where you have led

And fight this war down on my knees

Where I might there your will then seize

The original picture of the flag is from: http://www.123rf.com/profile_stillfx  I did use photoshop to add the cross with the praying woman.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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