Faith, Strength, and Hope in the Cross of Christ

Power-filled Positive Living—Chapter 19C—Faith, Strength, and Hope in the Cross of Christ

This world, this earthly journey at times will break our hearts. There are moments in which the pain and sorrow is so great, rising in our chest that we think we cannot take another breath. We are so wearied by the constant turmoil, heartache, and desperation that surrounds us. How do we take another step forward, even a tiny step; when, there is no strength to go on? How does a mother’s or a father’s heart find a tiny sparkle of hope when they know their child is hurting? We so wish we could do something, anything to make their pain go away; and, alas our hands are tied it seems. We pray until we have no words left to say, silence fills the room and everything seems a loss. How do we find that mustard seed faith to move the mountain before us, when we are so laden with pain, guilt, or despair? That seed of faith that tiny ray of hope, and those whispers of joy can only come from God. It is God who, “hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son…16 For by him (Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist”(are held together) Colossians 1.

Cross of Hope

You see, I can tell you there is a hope and a joy that rises out of the ashes of all your shattered dreams; because, I have been crushed by the weight of this world over and over again. Too often at the end of the day, I fall to my knees and cling to the rock of my salvation; only to then in the morning awaken to a renewed strength, a miraculous joy, and a peace of knowing, my Father has the answer to my desperate question. Suddenly, I realize; He alone needs to know the answer and I can trust Him.

Each time when life seems too hard, I am reminded of these three things.

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