Fully Alive to Joy In Christ

Power-filled Positive Living—Chapter 20A-Fully Alive to Joy in Christ

It had been 4 weeks since the surgery and yet, here I was still in the hospital and still unable to eat or keep down any nourishment. It had been a small bowel obstruction which required surgery to open. I had no colon because of the previous surgeries and the small bowel obstruction had caused the small intestines to be so stretched and swollen that there seemed to be permanent damage. It was questionable whether they would ever awaken to function again. I was the only supporter of myself and mom, I needed to get well. Yet, if you entered my room you would hear praise songs coming from a CD player and you would be greeted with a genuine joy filled smile. Why? Because I had learned over many years of sorrow, that God is Sovereign, God loves me, and God’s plan for my life is perfect. God was and is the source of my joy in the midst of every fiery trial. Don’t misunderstand me—I do still have my moments of doubt or my fears; but, they don’t remain long within my heart or mind. Why? Because God has shown me His Might, His Glory, His Mercy, and His love toward me.

Promises toward me original photo used by permission of Jim Peregoy

What I need you to see is that God loves you with a perfect everlasting love. He sent His only begotten son to pay the price for your rebellious, self-exalting heart so as to provide for you everything that you need to find full joy, hope, glory, and love in Him. In Christ, you have the power to live a life fully Alive. In Christ you are God’s Beloved, Blessed, Chosen, Redeemed Child.

In Christ, You are heir of God’s Kingdom, heir of all of God’s Promises, heir of God’s righteousness and joint heirs with Christ. In Christ you are declared a Saint because of Christ’s righteousness being freely poured out to cover your sin. In Christ, you have been given the Holy Spirit to indwell you, to comfort you, to strengthen you and to provide you with unique Spiritual gifts that can be used for the Kingdom of God.

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