Why Not Be Discouraged When You Are Planting?


As we left the story in John 4 last, the Samaritan women realized that Jesus was the Savior, the Messiah. With great passion, she left her water bucket behind and ran to tell everyone in the city. An unlikely missionary with a questionable voice; yet, God had sent her. She was a woman whose reputation forced her to go alone to draw water in the noonday sun. She was shunned by everyone and the one that all the town whispered about.



The disciples returned with food as the woman darted off. They wondered why Jesus had been talking to her; but, didn’t ask (as though they believed their thoughts were hidden from Christ). We know from the previous chapters that Jesus knew their hearts. He also knows our foolish questions, doubts, and fears. So, as they returned they encouraged Jesus to eat. Perhaps with a sense of pride and joy that they were returning with a gift for Jesus—the nourishment that He needed. Yet, His response once more puzzled them. Just like you and I so often are. They were focusing on the small picture—the here and now. Jesus was focused on the big picture—eternity. They offer Jesus the food and He replies, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of.” Well, they immediately begin to whisper among themselves, “Did someone else bring Him food?” Maybe what Jesus had was better?  Maybe what the mystery person brought was better than what they had brought? Were they jealous?  Were they disappointed?  How often do we respond that same way to God?  We bring in our tithes or we give up something and we stand waiting for God to pat us on the back and reward us.  Have you ever done that?  Then to find that God has a different plan?

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How to Find the One True Love You Need

How to Find the One True Love You Need

For me, it had been the search of a lifetime. Was it growing up in America or could it be a worldwide phenomenon? The fairytales of Cinderella, Snow White, and happy ever after called to my heart like a beaconing light of hope. Deep in the central core of my heart there was that aching need to be loved, a void that needed to be filled. Much like the Samaritan woman at the well; that search for love had left me thirsting, until I found the truth.

13 Jesus answered her, All who drink of this water will be thirsty again. 14 But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto eternal life” (John 4-AMP).


We were created to be the recipients of God’s love: to be filled to the overflowing so that love would then bubble forth from our hearts.

search for love

[bctt tweet=”That void within the human heart-that desparate need for love can only be filled by God’s love”] Sin had separated us from God; yet, God sent Christ to be the atoning sacrifice that we might be redeemed into fellowship with Him. He fills our hearts with the only love we ever really need. Not the only love we will ever know; but, He is the only love we will ever need. You see, need love is always looking for someone else to fill our hearts. Need love searches for validation. Therefore, until need love is filled a person cannot truly feel or give love. In the desperation of need love we find our hearts broken over and over again without even understanding why. Loneliness, feelings of worthlessness, and feelings of

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