What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

Nicodemus had believed that Jesus was a teacher come from God; yet, did not understand when Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus was a religious scholar; yet, his eyes were veiled to the truth that salvation was grace and act of faith. He believed in Jesus because of the miracles—a belief of the mind. Still, the eyes of his heart were veiled to the glorious truth that Jesus was God and the messiah had come. Nicodemus did not understand that the messiah would die to pay the penalty for man’s sin, even though Jesus had pointed out that Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Nicodemus had studied the book of Isaiah. He should have known and seen the truth. Nicodemus and the Jewish nation were looking for the Messiah to come as a King and they would have possessions, power, and luxury in the Kingdom of God—here on earth.

Lost sheep

[bctt tweet=”Did Nicodemus recognize his own need for a shepherd?”] He saw Jesus as a teacher; but, did not see Him as the Messiah who came to be the Savior of all who would come unto Him.

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How to Be Born Of Water and Spirit

How to Be Born Of Water and Spirit

It was late at night as he made his way to Jesus. The crowds had gone home to rest. He was a scholar, one of the elect of the Sanhedrin. He had spent his lifetime studying the scripture; yet, this man Jesus from Nazareth spoke as no other he had heard before. Then, there were the miracles as well. He, Nicodemus, wanted to have a moment to speak with this man who had run all the money changers and merchants from the temple; who had then taught the scripture as no other teacher had ever done. With a tone of great respectfulness as he approached he said to Jesus, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him” (John 3:2 NIV).

Spiritually Alive

[bctt tweet=”Then Jesus very passionately responds with the greatest truth that all needed to know. “]This was the greatest message of all. The good news of why Jesus had come to this earth to be the final sacrifice needed to cover man’s sin and to provide the only atonement that can give new spiritual life. It was the only message that could restore a full, vibrant relationship with God. “Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again” (John 3:3 NIV).

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