How to Follow Jesus! Can You Show Me The Way?

How to Follow Jesus! Can You Show Me The Way?

We had a very old farm house and an old storm cellar when I was a child. I can remember when suddenly in the middle of the night when a storm would sound as though it was going to take the house away, my father would whisk me out of bed. Wrapped in a blanket, he held me very close to his chest as we went down into the storm cellar where mom was already. He would run back and carry my brother down. Then he would close the rickety door. He would sit just above us on a stair step and with his powerful arms, he held the door shut. No matter how hard the wind. No matter how loud the thunder. With each lightening flash, I could see his silhouette and I knew that the storm could not touch me.

we can see God

That is what Jesus wanted these apostles to understand. The storm was coming. He longed to draw them in close. He wanted so much that they could understand. Yet, Jesus also knew that over the next three days they would face confusion. There would be doubts as He was going to have to leave them to finish the work of salvation. Once His work was finished He would come again to be with them—then He could make the promise to them and to each of us who would follow; “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world”. Only when the work was finished could He make that promise by sending the Holy Spirit to indwell them. The night spent in this upper room with these His dearly beloved apostles, He longed to fill their hearts and minds with so much truth. “Don’t let your hearts be troubled, trust me.” This journey you are about to face is filled with storms, trials, struggles and doubts; but, don’t let your heart be troubled—trust me. I will keep you safe and bring you safely home. Abide in my love, my joy, and my peace.

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