What Happens When Grace Meets The Truth Of Sin?

What Happens When Grace Meets The Truth Of Sin?

I just returned from a trip to visit my daughter and her family. It had been a season of great difficulty for her. She had recently lost her step mother to cancer and then she had gotten sick with chicken pox. With all that, I went to see if there was anything I could do to comfort her. I was met with such grace. It had been almost two years that I had not seen my daughter and granddaughter. We never failed to talk on the phone a lot; but, I had not wanted to be “in the way” as she cared for her step mother during the prolonged illness. The trip was filled with so much of God’s grace. My daughter got well quickly. My granddaughter was an utter delight as we did so many things together. God’s grace shown through as my granddaughter displayed her own knowledge of God through her writing and talk. What wondrous grace toward me has God displayed over the years!! Not because of anything I have ever done to deserve it. I who stumbled and fell so often along this journey. Me, the one who searched for love without realizing that God was all the love this heart needed. Had it been pride so long ago that led to my divorce from Miguel (Melissa’s father)? Yet, even after that, God’s grace had blessed me with my sons through my marriage to Pete. God’s grace had led Pete to Christ before Pete’s death. God’s grace had carried me through the cancer and all the other illnesses that followed. It has been grace that carried me every step of the way. Pure, undeserved Grace has been given me from a mighty and wondrous God.

What wondrous grace

[bctt tweet=”When Grace upon Grace meets with the truth of my sinful Heart-Grace Wins!!”]

We have been looking at the gospel account as written by the Apostle John. So far, we have seen that he presents Christ as The Word—the only Word that matters. The word of God which is also God Himself. John then presented Christ as the light of the world. The only true light that can penetrate the darkness of man’s heart. Thirdly he presented Christ as God’s Glory Displayed. All the fullness of God’s Glory could be seen in Christ. Next John writes, “16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for (upon) grace.17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1).

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