Joy Pours Over Me

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17

Out of the darkest valleys or sorrows that life can bring, God remains Sovereign and His Plan is always to bring us good.  It all goes back to Faith is 1. Knowing that God is and 2. Believing that God richly blesses those who seek Him.  My journey to discover the truth of love and joy took me down a lot of winding roads.  Some of those roads seemed at the time very treacherous indeed; but, God had a plan for my good.  That plan never depended on my figuring it out or my getting it “right.”  It depended 100% on God’s Grace, Love and Sovereignty to complete the work He began in me.    My life is filled with peace, joy, hope and love.  Oh, don’t get me wrong; there are trials as well.  The difference in my response is how I view the trials.   I have learned to embrace each trial as a precious gift that once unwrapped will reveal to me some precious aspect of God’s Glory that I had not seen before.  As I concluded the series, In Search of True Love; my prayer is that I have helped you to see the magnitude of God’s Grace and Love toward you.  Tomorrow, we will begin a new series through Hebrews (at least that is my plan for now, unless God chooses otherwise).  I wrote this poem today and hope it touches your heart with joy, peace and hope.

Joy Pours Over Me


by Effie Darlene Barba

Every Step of my journey here

Through the darkest nights

That were filled with fear

Or the mountaintops

Clothed with laughter’s cheer

Your voice called to me

Your heart drew me near


Through pain and tears You taught me how

To seek your face Be-

Fore your throne to bow

Where You my heart would

Grace and Love endow

Your wondrous Strength to

Soar above the now


The scars from all the years gone by

Were healed because Your

Tears You chose to cry

As on a Cross You

Sent your son to die

And pay the price for

Someone such as I


And then I saw the value, worth

Of all the sorrows

Pains upon this earth

Travailing pains

That brought new birth

To life eternal

Filled with Joyous mirth


For purest gold to truly shine

It must endure the fire’s

Flames which do refine

Or pressed beneath the

Darkness in a mine

A diamond forms so

Precious, rare and fine


Your truth revealed this mystery

Pain is a gift that

Helps my heart to see

Glimpses of You

Spectrum of Glory

Dimensions of Love


Joy pours over me

[tweetthis]Each trial is a gift; once unwrapped reveals a new aspect of God’s Glory [/tweetthis]

Please feel free to post a comment, share a story or just say Hi.  Hope you can join us tomorrow as we start a new series.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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