Poetry Sunday: Anger Is

Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking,  As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:  If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. I Peter 2:1-3

Anger, jealousy, bitterness are all signs of a much deeper issue of the heart.  Usually these are the manifestations of how broken and scarred our own hearts are.  Often, our reaction is a result of our own fears of inadequacy.  We protest most loudly when deep in our heart of hearts we fear they are right. “Maybe, I am unlovable.  Maybe, just maybe I am a failure.”   Other times, we lash out with anger at another’s injustice; yet, deep inside we only want to say, “Well at least I am better than that person.”  The truth being when I react to another’s anger with anger, I become the very one I am bitterly denouncing.  Look at what Peter said, “Lay aside all the anger, bitterness, hypocrisy, jealousy, and gossip.” How?  “By reading the word, drinking in the grace of Jesus.  Once you have truly tasted the blessed sweetness of grace; how, can you allow anger to grow.  When we trust God’s Sovereignty and remember all that He has forgiven in our lives; forgiveness and grace will fill our hearts.

anger is

Anger Is

By Effie Darlene Barba


Anger is that thought hidden deep inside

Rising up to defend our injured pride

Anger is the scar from a broken heart

Using words to hurt like some poisonous dart


Anger plants itself first a tiny seed

That grows into a thorny wretched weed

Choking out all hope of love, faith, or joy

Doing Satan’s work, oh so sly and coy


Anger is the sign of a heart of sin

Pushing, striving wanting always to win

“How dare you to hurt me, why don’t you see

It’s not about you, it’s all about me”


Anger pours forth like a cold winter rain

With shards of ice inflicting hurt and pain

While all the time it truly hurts the most

The angered one whose innocence does boast


My Lord, I need your gentle touch of Grace

I need to see your righteous, loving face

So, I might cast aside this selfish pride

That You might heal my broken heart inside


For when I truly cherish Grace you see

No trace of anger can abide in me

When the truth of Your Sovereignty does rise

Only then can I fully realize


Any anger my heart would entertain

Is against the plan Your Will did ordain

So as the fullness of truth comes into view

Anger is a sign of my doubting You


How could it be my wretched, sinful heart

Allowed an angry thought to even start

Only your grace can cleanse my heart of sin

Your love restore anew Your joy within


Let forgiveness and Grace be what I give

To everyone I meet each day I live

Singing forth your praise with great jubilee

As from anger’s curse I have been set free


It was your perfect grace that loved me so

So, please Let Grace be all my heart does know

And in faith as I trust Your plan for me

Let Your dear Grace be all the world does see

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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