Why Was This Encounter with Jesus Really so Surprising?

Why was this encounter with Jesus really so surprising?

The cohort of soldiers dispatched with their flickering lanterns, torches and weapons were prepared to fight as they crossed the bridge into the garden. Theirs was a simple command that must be carried out. They were accompanied by Judas and servants of the high priest. They expected the suspect to either run to hide or be prepared to fight. Particularly they had heard that this man had a lot of devoted followers who would defend him. So, as they crossed the bridge they were surprised that Jesus approached them to ask who they were looking for, as though He didn’t know. Yet, He knew. He had just spent agonizing hours alone in prayer with the Father preparing for this very moment. Judas knew that Jesus would be there in the garden, so often He had gone there to pray while the apostles slept. It was His place of solace—His prayer room whenever in Jerusalem. To the surprise of these officers, when they said that they were looking for Jesus of Nazareth; He responded “I AM HE” (John 18:5). They stepped back and fell to the ground in preparation to fight—they must be in position to defend themselves they thought. There were between 300 to 600 men all preparing for the battle. Again, Jesus says, “Who are you looking for?” Once more they say, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Then again, Jesus says; “I told you I AM He; so I am here—take me. Let these my friends go in peace, if I am who you seek.”

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Not at all what they expected!! Even more surprising when Peter took his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant Malchus; Christ made Peter put away the sword. Then, miraculously Jesus placed His hand over the bleeding wound and restored the ear!! What was so different about this man? Did they understand what Jesus meant when He responded “I AM HE?”  Did they know He meant,  “I AM THE GREAT I AM; the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22:13).

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