How to Respond When Your Heart Is Heavily Burdened

How to Respond When Your Heart Is Heavily Burdened

As I lay there awake with the rustling of the wind outside and the rumbling sounds of thunder in the distance, I realized the true storm was the one inside my heart and mind. I cannot say why this restlessness of the soul; yet, there it was. So, finally I get up and head to my chair of prayer. I got out my Bible. Its pages are worn and have writings scribbled through the margins. Most of those scribbling written during moments just like this one. I reached out for my prayer journal to pray for family, friends, work, the nation and myself. Each page listed with scriptures to pray—a strategic battle plan against Satan’s attack. Yet, the only words that came from my lips were “Lord, I need you now.”

dawning light


This journey of life leads us through many seasons. Sometimes those seasons are filled with great joy, moments of strength, and wondrous answers to prayer. It would seem that we are floating on mountaintops high above all the trials and tribulations. Then there are those moments when our hearts are heavily burdened with great care and pain; although, nothing in particular has changed. After all, God is still on His throne. The truth of His promises have not changed. Yet, a heavy heart of despair leaves us wondering what is wrong. Sometimes, there is nothing to pinpoint as the triggering factor. No major catastrophe that has occurred. We feel a sense of loneliness as though we have lost our best friend. [bctt tweet=”When discouragement, loneliness, and despair creep into our hearts, our only hope is to seek God.”]

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Did God’s Love of the World Cause Him Agonizing Pain?

Did God’s Love of the World Cause Him Agonizing Pain?

It was the summer of 1997 when the call came at work that my son had been in a bad wreck and the ambulance was in route to the hospital. The dispatcher couldn’t tell me anything except that the car had rolled over many times and was totaled. They couldn’t tell me if Ron was ok; but, they said the ETA of the ambulance was about 20 minutes. After all, it was a rural area. As I quickly said a prayer for Ron, I called my supervisor to find someone to take over my patients and I made my way to the ER to wait. When he arrived, he was ok; except for a compression fracture of the thoracic spine. He was in so much pain that his body trembled, he was very pale and covered in a cold sweat. I urged him to let them give him something for pain; but, he refused. He said, “I deserve the pain—my fault, I took the curve too fast.” He had only been driving for a few weeks and had misjudged the curve on a dirt road. My heart bled for him. If I could take the pain from him, I would have gladly. If I could just bear the burden of his guilt, I would have. That was only one example; yet, I could tell you many more. I would gladly carry every pain, every heart break, and every burden for any one of my children; if only I could.


So, imagine this. If I, with this human heart that fails sometimes can love my children with so much love; how much more does God love His only begotten, perfectly righteous son? [bctt tweet=”What agony must God have felt as He watched His son be rejected, beaten, and hung on the cross.”] What depth of sorrow must have been His to watch Him suffer!! He could say, “Enough” at any second and hurl all of mankind into eternal hell where these selfish hearts deserve to go. Yet, He held His hand and turned away in silence as His son took on the sins of the whole world along with all their guilt. He did it out of love for this His creation—a creation who turned their back on Him. A bunch who chose to worship self instead of Him who had made them.

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What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

Nicodemus had believed that Jesus was a teacher come from God; yet, did not understand when Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus was a religious scholar; yet, his eyes were veiled to the truth that salvation was grace and act of faith. He believed in Jesus because of the miracles—a belief of the mind. Still, the eyes of his heart were veiled to the glorious truth that Jesus was God and the messiah had come. Nicodemus did not understand that the messiah would die to pay the penalty for man’s sin, even though Jesus had pointed out that Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Nicodemus had studied the book of Isaiah. He should have known and seen the truth. Nicodemus and the Jewish nation were looking for the Messiah to come as a King and they would have possessions, power, and luxury in the Kingdom of God—here on earth.

Lost sheep

[bctt tweet=”Did Nicodemus recognize his own need for a shepherd?”] He saw Jesus as a teacher; but, did not see Him as the Messiah who came to be the Savior of all who would come unto Him.

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How did Christ’s First Miracle Portray Grace to the World?

How did Christ’s First Miracle Portray Grace to the World?

Christ had gathered his apostles and a group of disciples were beginning to follow as well by the time that He performed His first miracle at the wedding feast. This was the beginning of many miracles to come. He had already shown with his conversation with Nathanael His omniscience to know a man’s heart and to be acutely aware of every circumstance in the life of each person. I see that as pretty miraculous in itself; yet, John reports that as part of the glorious nature of who Jesus is in all His Glory. Then John goes on to report the first miracle of Jesus.  Here Jesus is about to perform His first miracle by changing water into wine. How does that display His Glory? John’s epistle is the only gospel that even records it. Yet, John says, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him” (John 2: 11).

come taste and see

How did changing water into wine, display Christ’s glory and caused the disciples to believe in Him? John’s gospel as I pointed out in the previous blogs, presents Christ as God in all His Glory.  Christ, though the only begotten son of God,  came to earth to pour out grace upon grace to mankind. Grace that rebellious, self-exalting hearts such as ours could never deserve. Caught within our web of self-deceit, we could never even desire God if He did not reveal Himself to us. Christ would gather the crowds, display His Glory through miracles, speak the truth and still would be rejected by the masses.


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Poetry Sunday: Stand Here in this Place

As we walk in this pilgrimage journey of life, we must guard our hearts and minds.  Our joy, our hope, and our faith is embedded in Christ.  Within this world, so many things vie for our affections and fill our thoughts with desires. Yet, God is our greatest treasure.

5Z8QJ8SIHD_thumb.jpgHe is our true joy.  When I lay aside all else to seek Him, I find in Him all that I need.  If truly I trust Him, then I will see His loving, protecting hand in ever detail of my life.  When this journey is such that we walk through moments of sorrows, losses, and dark valleys that would seem to bring our hearts despair; we hear the echoing sweetness of God’s voice calling us to gaze upon Him. [bctt tweet=”Sometimes we must stand still like a baby before God with arms lifted up, our eyes fixed on Him.”]  He is our Joy.  He is the Love that can fill a broken heart to overflowing.


by Effie Darlene Barba


Through this journey of life

Midst it’s sorrows and strife

Came the Echoes of You

Hope arising anew


You’re my joy, my love song

In Your arms I am strong

When my life fell apart

You were there! My new start!



Let me stand here in this place

While I gaze upon Your face

Raising high my arms to You

While all else fades from my view

Within your arms wrapped tightly ‘round

Your whispering voice the only sound

Let this passion in me rise

‘Til it reaches to the skies

Light my heart a blazing fire

Loving You my sole desire

Help me cast all else aside

Content within your love abide

Dear God, Your child to be

For all eternity


My heart lay broken, crushed within

Burdened, chained distraught by sin

It was Your Grace that set me free

And filled my heart with joy and glee



Let me stand here in this place

While I gaze upon Your face

Raising high my arms to You

While all else fades from my view

Within your arms wrapped tightly ‘round

Your whispering voice the only sound

Let this passion in me rise

‘Til it reaches to the skies

Light my heart a blazing fire

Loving You my sole desire

Help me cast all else aside

Content within your love abide

Dear God, Your child to be

For all eternity

Do you have a poem you would like to share?  When life seems to bring moments of despair what do you do to restore joy?  click here to comment.

Also, yesterday I added the streaming music of songs I wrote; please let me know what you think–keep or turn off–those who let me know their honest opinion I will give away a copy of “A Broken and Contrite Heart.”

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   To obtain your own portrait, logo, or art design please contact Ronald Barba at the email below.    If you can dream it, he can draw or design it for you.  Do you want to surprise someone with an extraordinary special gift of a personal portrait?  An idea for a book cover?  Or a new logo?  Feel free to email him at to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

Photo is from

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