How to Face Life’s Greatest Trials with Peaceful Confidence

Our lives are filled with seasons of great trials. Sometimes those trials are short in their duration and other times they go on for years with little relief. Sometimes it is a tragic illness. At other times it is an unexpected turn of events that comes crashing in on our well planned out lives. Whatever the trial is and no matter how long that trial may be, we need to find a way to face that trial with confidence. How do we find peace in the midst of that trial so that our responses are wise and steady? How do we hold fast to our faith without falling deep into despair when our world falls apart? How do we keep facing devastating trials with hope within?

God is in the storms

Jesus was brought to trial before the chief priests first and then before the Roman authorities. He was mocked. He was questioned. They would slap Him and jeer asking that He tell them “who had touched Him.” As the night went on they beat Him severely, placed a crown of thorns on His head, spit in His face, placed Him in purple robes and presented Him to the very crowds that He had so lovingly served. This crowd who had even followed His every word a few days before now screamed “Crucify Him.” Although, He could have whispered one word and a legion of angels would have destroyed all these men; He calmly stood and softly spoke only a few words in response. Within those few words and the ones which came shortly before we can see the keys to facing any type of trial we too may face.

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