How does the Holy Spirit Empower the Christian’s Life?

As we continue in our study through the Gospel of John, Jesus appears to the apostles in the evening after having gone to Father. The apostles were afraid and hiding in a room together wondering what to do next. They felt lost and alone without their master. Then suddenly, Jesus stood in the midst of them and said “Peace be unto you” (John 20:19). They were filled with excitement and gladness. They had hoped that He had returned to stay with them and to lead them.  Then once more He said, “Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21).

Holy Spirit in Me

Then He breathed on them and endowed them with the Holy Spirit. Then comes the words, “Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained” (John 20:23). At first, I found this verse very difficult to explain; so perhaps I could just skip it. Yet, that is not my style to skip what is hard. I do believe that within this verse also lies truths that will strengthen and empower our own Christian walk. We do know that the apostles were endowed with “special powers” from the Holy Spirit in that they could heal the sick, raise the dead (Acts 10:39-41), and so, perhaps this too was a power given them to forgive or condemn the sins of those whom they met. But I don’t think that fits with scripture elsewhere in that only God has that power. God the Father is the only one who forgives sin through the redemptive work of His Son and the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. So, I do believe that these words of Jesus were to allow the apostles to understand that the Holy Spirit was in them to give them life and to be the power within them for everything they need.  Only God can forgive sins.  They needed to know and we need to know that the Holy Spirit indwelling us is God in us. He was God’s presence to give them the strength to teach the gospel and

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How to Boldly Stand Firm in the Gospel with Love

How to Boldly Stand Firm in the Gospel with Love

There was so much to teach and time was running short. Jesus would be betrayed by Judas within a few hours and He would be going to the cross to complete the Father’s command. He was the Messiah that they had so long awaited; yet, the priests and scholars did not recognize Him. So caught within their own prideful hearts they wanted someone who outwardly appeared more “kingly” by their definitions. They did not want some humble, loving Prince who questioned their authority. They were so wrapped in their own traditions and hunger for power and money that they could not see the truth. They did not really know God despite all the years of studying the scripture. “Remember, my dear friends;” Jesus spoke as He walked toward the Garden, “the world will hate you. It has hated me and because I have chosen you, it will hate you as well.” He continues this conversation from John 15:18 through John 16:3. Indeed, “2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.” (John 16, NIV)

“Don’t let your heart be troubled, you will be hated and probably killed for knowing me as your Savior; but, remember this, they hated me.” Not the words of comfort we want to hear in our comfortable homes here in the United States. If we keep silent, maybe no one will notice that we are Christians!  Yet, if I keep silent as to my faith; then, am I really a follower of Christ? We have heard the stories of Christians being beheaded in the Middle East. We have heard the stories of Christians being targeted, like the Oregon College Shooter who determined his victims by asking them whether they were a Christian. The early church faced imprisonment and execution because they named the name of Christ. Down through the ages of the church there were true followers of Christ who stood up against the “church’s prideful leaders”  These brave preachers of the gospel faced imprisonment, exile and even death by the established church for speaking the truth of Grace.

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