How did Christ’s First Miracle Portray Grace to the World?

How did Christ’s First Miracle Portray Grace to the World?

Christ had gathered his apostles and a group of disciples were beginning to follow as well by the time that He performed His first miracle at the wedding feast. This was the beginning of many miracles to come. He had already shown with his conversation with Nathanael His omniscience to know a man’s heart and to be acutely aware of every circumstance in the life of each person. I see that as pretty miraculous in itself; yet, John reports that as part of the glorious nature of who Jesus is in all His Glory. Then John goes on to report the first miracle of Jesus.  Here Jesus is about to perform His first miracle by changing water into wine. How does that display His Glory? John’s epistle is the only gospel that even records it. Yet, John says, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him” (John 2: 11).

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How did changing water into wine, display Christ’s glory and caused the disciples to believe in Him? John’s gospel as I pointed out in the previous blogs, presents Christ as God in all His Glory.  Christ, though the only begotten son of God,  came to earth to pour out grace upon grace to mankind. Grace that rebellious, self-exalting hearts such as ours could never deserve. Caught within our web of self-deceit, we could never even desire God if He did not reveal Himself to us. Christ would gather the crowds, display His Glory through miracles, speak the truth and still would be rejected by the masses.


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