When Would Being Blind Be A Miracle Of Grace?

When Would Being Blind Be A Miracle Of Grace?

Jesus and his disciples had just escaped being stoned as we ended chapter 8. Immediately, we see in chapter 9 that “as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from birth” (John 9:1). Jesus was passing by as he was avoiding being stoned to death. He had come to die; but, it was not suppose to be that day and it wasn’t going to be by stoning. His time ” had not yet come.”He had not retreated in fear. He had retreated because it was time to retreat. Besides, He had an appointment with a blind man. He had not gone very far; because throughout chapter 9 we see the discussion with the Pharisees who had wanted to stone Him once more.  Jesus stops when He comes upon the blind man. That is great news!! He comes to us in our blindness to reach out and give us sight; with disregard for His own comfort.  He is willing to find us where ever we are–He seeks us to offer sight.!!


The chapter unfolds and moves from a discussion of human blindness to spiritual blindness as we will see. Yet before we move to that let’s pause for a moment at the response of the disciples. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:2-5). The tragedies, the illness, the losses and the trials of this life do not always enter our lives as “punishment for our sins.” The punishment for our sins was carried by Jesus on the Cross. Indeed, until we accept that atonement for our sins; we are like this blind man. We are unable to see the light of the gospel.  Unless we recognize our need of a Savior, our self-exalting hearts would be content in our own accomplishments and counterfeit happiness.  We would not recognize the wondrous joy, hope, love and Glory that we are missing out on.  Would I ever seek God’s truth in a world of blissful beauty? Would I

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Why Are We So Quick To Stone Someone’s Life?

Why Are We So Quick To Stone Someone’s Life?

I was 25 when my husband first moved us to Mexico. For me it was a new language and a new culture to learn. I did not realize that because of many of our movies and TV shows, the upper class had some preconceived ideas of we from North of the border. Over the years, I learned to dearly love the Mexican people as I saw their persevering hearts, courage, and their grateful attitudes. But, let’s go back to the beginning. As a young, blonde American girl with a limited Spanish vocabulary; I found I was accepted well among those in the market, the corner store and the taco stand. However, the socially elite women shunned me. They would grab their husband’s arms if anyone tried to introduce me to them.   Which leads me to our story.

When I Remember





One night, my husband wanted me to join him with his friends. We left his mother to watch the baby and with some hesitance of heart I went. As the evening went on, my husband had consumed a little too much alcohol. I understood very little of the conversations surrounding me as we had ended up on the balcony of a small restaurant. The balcony was narrow with only one set of stairs to leave by and we were near the back, farthest from the exit. Two tables from us were a group of men who were smoking. Since there was no ashtray on their table they were flicking their cigarettes onto the carpet. I watched as the embers would fall and even slightly flame before dying out. Disgusted and a little concerned we might be trapped behind a wall of blaze; I picked up an ashtray and sat it on their table. Then I turned around to return to my seat when suddenly my husband seemed enraged. He ordered me angrily to leave immediately. Confused, in high heels I found myself walking all alone down the dark streets of Pachuca at midnight.

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What Happens When The Light Of The World Shows Mercy?

What Happens When The Light Of The World Shows Mercy?

The feast of the tabernacles had ended and the Pharisees were frustrated that they had not found a way to “condemn” Jesus. Nicodemus had even suggested they had no cause; but, they found the words of Jesus offensive. How dare He suggest they did not understand the scripture! His words cut deep into their pride. They had spent a lifetime studying the scripture and working very hard to live an exemplary life. Surely, God would recognize all their goodness and their reward would be great. Still, this man from “Galilee” cut at their pride with His words. How dare He do that! They had gone away to their own homes while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. We know that was where He often retreated at night to pray. As Jesus returned to teach, the scribes and Pharisees came with a plan to entrap Him by presenting Him a case of “law.”


Shadows of Darkness


3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught[b] in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded[c] us that such should be stoned.[d] But what do You say?”[e] (John 8 NKJV). Christ bent down and started to write on the ground. What was He writing? We are not told. Perhaps, He was writing the actual law. ““If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and woman shall be put to death” (Leviticus 20:10 TLB). In this case, where is the man? They had brought the woman; but clearly, something was wrong with this picture. Being “caught in the act” meant they knew the man as well; yet, only brought the woman. Why? We are not told. Had one of these men entrapped her himself? Was she guilty? Most likely, as we see from the conversation Jesus has with her later; but, for this moment she was about to meet light, truth and be given grace. Jesus knew their hearts and also knew the heart of this woman.

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What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

What Does Saving Belief In Christ Really Look Like?

Nicodemus had believed that Jesus was a teacher come from God; yet, did not understand when Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus was a religious scholar; yet, his eyes were veiled to the truth that salvation was grace and act of faith. He believed in Jesus because of the miracles—a belief of the mind. Still, the eyes of his heart were veiled to the glorious truth that Jesus was God and the messiah had come. Nicodemus did not understand that the messiah would die to pay the penalty for man’s sin, even though Jesus had pointed out that Moses had lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Nicodemus had studied the book of Isaiah. He should have known and seen the truth. Nicodemus and the Jewish nation were looking for the Messiah to come as a King and they would have possessions, power, and luxury in the Kingdom of God—here on earth.

Lost sheep

[bctt tweet=”Did Nicodemus recognize his own need for a shepherd?”] He saw Jesus as a teacher; but, did not see Him as the Messiah who came to be the Savior of all who would come unto Him.

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Why was Christ’s Cleansing of the Temple really important?

Why was Christ’s Cleansing of the Temple really important?

The gospel account written by John detailed those events of Jesus’ life that would display His Glory, His deity, and His grace upon grace poured out for you and for me. John wanted to show you Christ in all His beauty that you might believe in Him and gain eternal life. He wanted to share with you what he had found in Christ. “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe[b]that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31 NIV)


So why did John choose to tell us of this cleansing of the temple at the beginning of the earthly ministry of Christ? If we read the “cleansing of the temple” accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke we will read about Christ running out the money changers upon His final trip into Jerusalem just before His arrest and crucifixion. Yet, John is telling us about Jesus running out the money changers and those selling animals in the temple courts during Christ’s first trip to the Passover at the beginning of His earthly ministry. Why is that an important detail to our seeing Christ? How does that impact our lives? Those are the questions I want to look a little further into with you.

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