What Really Is the Most Amazing Truth About Love?


The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18 (NKJV) The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with lovingkindness I have drawn you…You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, and shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice. Jeremiah 31:2-4 NKJV

After everything that God had done, I should have been overwhelmed by joy. God had amazingly worked out all the details of my life. I was filled with the awe and wonder of His Grace toward me. Yet, there was that dark hollow hole buried deep within my heart. A broken piece within my heart that longed for love. With everything in me, I wanted to bury that desire once and for all. I pleaded with God to make it go away to make me feel satisfied in Him. I stuffed the feeling away, trying to ignore it. Busily I filled each day with work, Bible study and prayer; hoping to make that ‘hole” disappear. Like Paul, I prayed over and over again to the only one who could take control of my heart and remove this darkness. I really wanted God to be the only treasure I did seek; but, there was that one longing I could not rid myself of. The sadness of which would haunt me at times when no one else was around. Never could I imagine what God was about to do next as He determined to show me the truth of love.

purest love

It was late in the fall of 2014 that God was to begin a journey to teach me what it was to love with a pure heart. Entering into my life would be the return of a casual friend. Oh, I had known him in the past—lost contact, then in 2010 by a miraculous work of God; this friend had answered a prayer. He had the manuscript of one of my first writings. In a frantic search for my copy, I had prayed for God to help me find it. Out of nowhere within 24 hours, this man had sent me a message on Facebook to say, “Did you ever publish that book?” He sent me a copy. Our friendship and correspondence was very distant and casual after that; maybe a “Hi, how are you?”  Then once more in 2014, God would send this man to answer a prayer and to teach me the ultimate truth about love.

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