Little Soldier, Are You Ready?

Little Soldier, Are You Ready?

By Effie Darlene Barba


Little Soldier, are you ready?

The battle’s drawing near

Have you put on all your armor?

To stand, don’t run in fear!


Did you put on your helmet?

Remembering all God’s done

He provided your Salvation

When He gave His Only Son


Did you strap on your breastplate?

Is your passion now on Him?

To follow in His footsteps

And shun all willful sin!


Did you tightly wrap your waistband?

With all that God has said!

So that never compromising

By His Truth you can be lead!


Are you holding high before you?

Your shield of faith in God!

Our Sovereign, Omniscient, Shepherd

Who protects us with His Rod!


So, where now are you going?

To spread Salvation’s song

Feet now shod with love and peace

March Boldly toward the throng


Say a prayer and off you go

To near or distant land

Spreading His Gospel to a world

That is God’s one command!


And rest assured, my little one

God ‘s always at your side

The victory sure, the battle won

In Christ you can abide


The Holy Spirit goes with you

To guide you on your way

Protecting you with every step

Reminding you to pray


For prayer, you see, my little one

Along with truth your sword

Are all the weapons you will need!

With Jesus as your Lord!

[tweetthis]Every doubt, fear or trial we face is Satan trying to steal our joy! [/tweetthis]

Our Joy is in Christ!

[bctt tweet=”Our battle is not against people ” username=”effiedarlene”]

Our Battle is against the spirits of pride, anger, selfishness, & despair!

[tweetthis]We Win This Spiritual Battle on our Knees![/tweetthis]

So we must fight that battle within the spiritual realms, beginning with our own heart.  By standing firm in God’s truth (His Word), through prayer and boldly proclaiming the Gospel; the victory is already ours. [bctt tweet=”The only way I can spread the truth of the gospel is by remembering and naming the true enemy-Sin” username=”effiedarlene”]Only then can I see those who hurt me as souls in need of a Savior, rather than seeing them as my enemy. Then, I can respond with words of truth and love.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.