How can I know God’s Ways and see His Glory?

How can I know God’s Ways and see His Glory?

The greatest desire that I have is to show you a glimpse of God’s glory; yet, I know that my words will always fall so far short of the reality of who God is in all His splendor.  Any attempt to simplify the magnificent truths of who God is will always leave something lacking. Yet, my heart will not allow me to be silent; if perhaps, by some chance God might use my faltering words to open the eyes of your heart to see a glimpse of His Glory. It is a grave responsibility which I do not take lightly and pray that my words will always guide you to see a glimpse of His Glory.   I cannot pretend to understand all of who God is and some mysteries I will not know until I stand before His Throne of Grace one day; clothed in a righteousness not my own. I do believe I will fall to my knees in awe and wonder that He in all His grandeur would choose me to be His child.

The Glory of the trinity, I cannot fully comprehend. Why would perfect righteousness ever come to walk on earth and die a horrendous death on a cross as atonement for my sin? How could He have ever loved me that much? It is all too great for me to understand. Yet, He did. “For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)

I can soar











[bctt tweet=”A Glimpse of His Glory, A moment in His presence-my heart would soar with His Joy.”]

Yet, how can I come before His throne? With all my dirty rags, my foolish desires for things, and my selfish requests. Oh, that I might lay aside all other desire to follow after Him.

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