5 Truths to Audacious Faith in a Parched Life

5 Truths to Audacious Faith in a Parched Life

All alone, I once more was packing up a house to load a truck and cross the country to go where I was certain that God had commanded I go. Going through all the “stuff” and downsizing. How do we accumulate so much stuff over time? Stuff that seemed so trivial and unnecessary. Trinkets and objects that perhaps once seemed important were now what I was discarding. I sighed with the thought, “How much money wasted that could have been used for something more important?” I was tired of moving while at the same time filled with the anticipation of what God had planned. Though I was wearied by my life’s journey, I had over the years learned that God loved me with an everlasting love, God had a perfect plan for my life, and He was the treasure I sought in what was often a dry and thirsty land. Through all the pains, sorrows, surgeries, and losses of this life; God had been there to guide me. I had loaded the final box. Then the trailer hauling my car was attached behind. Tired and exhausted I went to the empty house to sleep on the floor before leaving the next day. I wasn’t certain what awaited me in Missouri; but, this I knew. God was with me and before me. He had a plan and that was for my good.


In the deserts of lifeoriginal photography courtesy of Jim Peregoy


Abraham had headed out into a land unknown because God said go. There were times when Abraham got lost along the way. There were times when Abraham’s faith waivered; but, in his heart—he loved God. He believed God. He always returned to the altar where he was willing to place his greatest earthly treasure because he trusted God. His faith had grown wandering in that desert. He had come to learn of God’s faithfulness. More importantly, he had come to realize that the promises of God were still yet to come. God would one day, through the seed of Abraham send down His own greatest treasure to be poured out as a sacrifice that all nations might be blessed. Christ would come; just not in Abraham’s earthly lifetime.

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