How to Respond When Your Heart Is Heavily Burdened

How to Respond When Your Heart Is Heavily Burdened

As I lay there awake with the rustling of the wind outside and the rumbling sounds of thunder in the distance, I realized the true storm was the one inside my heart and mind. I cannot say why this restlessness of the soul; yet, there it was. So, finally I get up and head to my chair of prayer. I got out my Bible. Its pages are worn and have writings scribbled through the margins. Most of those scribbling written during moments just like this one. I reached out for my prayer journal to pray for family, friends, work, the nation and myself. Each page listed with scriptures to pray—a strategic battle plan against Satan’s attack. Yet, the only words that came from my lips were “Lord, I need you now.”

dawning light


This journey of life leads us through many seasons. Sometimes those seasons are filled with great joy, moments of strength, and wondrous answers to prayer. It would seem that we are floating on mountaintops high above all the trials and tribulations. Then there are those moments when our hearts are heavily burdened with great care and pain; although, nothing in particular has changed. After all, God is still on His throne. The truth of His promises have not changed. Yet, a heavy heart of despair leaves us wondering what is wrong. Sometimes, there is nothing to pinpoint as the triggering factor. No major catastrophe that has occurred. We feel a sense of loneliness as though we have lost our best friend. [bctt tweet=”When discouragement, loneliness, and despair creep into our hearts, our only hope is to seek God.”]

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