Poetry Sunday—AN Intimate Prayer with My Heavenly Father

As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me  Psalm 55:16-18

The book of Psalms is a song book of prayers mostly written by David.  They take us deep into the heart of David as he prayed.  Often, when I write poetry it is just that:  it is a prayer song coming from the deepest parts of my heart.  This poem I wrote Father’s Day 2015.  It takes you deep into an intimate conversation that I had with my heavenly Father that morning.  In it I bare my heart and soul; while, revealing the magnificent Gracious loving response of God to me.   In this poem, I take you into my prayer room for a moment and hope it brings you comfort and joy as you read this prayer. You see, often when I look at me; I see the mess.  God sees me as His Child, covered with His own righteousness.  It is when I am alone with Him, listening to His voice that I begin to understand the magnificent mystery of His Grace and the magnitude of His love for me.  It is in those moments in His presence that I am a given a glimpse of His Glory.



An Intimate Prayer with My Heavenly Father

by Effie Darlene Barba

Oh, Father I came to you first in my youth

Ready to run and tell of Your truth

I studied and worked to make you so proud

You’d see all I’d done- I’m not like the crowd


Polished and shined Your Glory I’d show

From mountaintops shout to the valleys below

I knew I could do it-then you would see

All of my beauty-then you’d love me


Then came the years when all seemed so wrong

I fell to the ground-crushed by the throng

Though I struggled so hard with all of my might

Nothing seemed good, nothing seemed right


Oh Father, my Father; I don’t understand

Weary and worn by the years in this land

I’ve failed you so often, I’ve made Your heart sad

When all that I wanted was to make your heart glad


All of the struggles, the trials of life

The sickness, the pain, the sorrow and strife

I’m covered with scars, the battles I’ve lost

While chasing vain dreams at such a high cost


“Dear Child don’t you see it is all as I planned

So, please, my dear child, come take my hand

Your beauty doth shine more bright than the stars

Aglow with a radiance shone forth from the scars


Your eyes are so tender, washed by a tear

My Grace to reflect to all who draw near

Your heart that was broken-stripped of your will

A vessel now emptied- my spirit could fill


Oh, how I love you, my child don’t you see

I’ve heard every whisper, I’ve heard every plea

It was I who held you in the dark of the night

I sang you a love song until the dawn light


I’ve watched how you’ve grown, the love in your heart

That sparkle of joy you to strangers impart

You could not become the person you are

Were it not for the tears or occasional scar


I’m so proud of you child, all you’ve become

I’ll shout from the heavens, my child “Well Done”

You’ve been faithful and true through all of your life

Through the trials, the heart breaks, and even the strife


Covered with righteousness bought by my son

Redeemed you have been, your victory won

You never were meant to win by your might

The battle was mine, mine only to fight”


Oh, Father, I love you with all of my heart

My greatest treasure you’ve been from the start

The Joy I know now, came from all those years

A precious, rare gift you gave me through tears

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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